#compdef ftp rwho rup xping traceroute host aaaa zone mx ns soa txt
# avoid calling variable "hosts", it's an obvious candidate for use in
# zstyle -e '*' hosts 'reply=($hosts)'
local expl _hosts tmp useip
if ! zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:hosts" hosts _hosts; then
if (( $+_cache_hosts == 0 )); then
# uniquify
typeset -gUa _cache_hosts
local ipstrip='[:blank:]#[^[:blank:]]#'
# This boolean style determines whether hosts completes IP addresses. The
# default is no (not using IP addresses).
zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:hosts" use-ip && useip=yes
[[ -n $useip ]] && ipstrip=
if (( ${+commands[getent]} )); then
# pws: we were using the horrible ": ${(A)...:=}" syntax to assign
# to _cache_hosts, overriding the typeset as well as being unreadable
# and having obscure splitting behaviour. Why? We've just
# tested _cache_hosts doesn't exist.
_cache_hosts=(${(s: :)${(ps:\t:)${(f)~~"$(_call_program hosts getent hosts 2>/dev/null)"}##${~ipstrip}}})
_cache_hosts=(${(s: :)${(ps:\t:)${${(f)~~"$(</etc/hosts)"}%%\#*}##${~ipstrip}}})
if (( ${+commands[ypcat]} )) &&
tmp=$(_call_program hosts ypcat hosts.byname 2>/dev/null); then
_cache_hosts+=( ${=${(f)tmp}##${~ipstrip}} ) # If you use YP
local khostfile
typeset -Ua khostfiles
# This style specifies a list of files to look up for host names and IP
# addresses, if asked to. The files can contain comma separated host names
# and IP's, and any text on a line after the first whitespace,| or # is
# discarded. ssh's known_hosts files are thus supported. This style defaults
# to the list /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts, ~/.ssh/known_hosts
zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:hosts" known-hosts-files khostfiles ||
khostfiles=(/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts)
for khostfile in $khostfiles; do
if [[ -r $khostfile ]]; then
khosts=(${${(s:,:)${(j:,:)${(u)${(f)"$(<$khostfile)"}%%[ |#]*}}}:#*[\[\]]*})
if [[ -z $useip ]]; then
_hosts=( "$_cache_hosts[@]" )
_wanted hosts expl host \
compadd -M 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:|.=* r:|=*' -a "$@" - _hosts
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