#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2005 Duke University
The Yum RPM software updater.
import os
import os.path
import rpm
import sys
def _rpm_ver_atleast(vertup):
""" Check if rpm is at least the current vertup. Can return False/True/None
as rpm hasn't had version info for a long time. """
if not hasattr(rpm, '__version_info__'):
return None
# 4.8.x rpm used strings for the tuple members, so convert.
vi = tuple([ int(num) for num in rpm.__version_info__])
return vi >= vertup
return None # Something went wrong...
import re
import types
import errno
import time
import glob
import fnmatch
import logging
import logging.config
import operator
import tempfile
import yum.i18n
_ = yum.i18n._
P_ = yum.i18n.P_
import config
from config import ParsingError, ConfigParser
import Errors
import rpmsack
import rpmUtils.updates
from rpmUtils.arch import archDifference, canCoinstall, ArchStorage, isMultiLibArch
from rpmUtils.miscutils import compareEVR
import rpmUtils.transaction
import comps
import pkgtag_db
from repos import RepoStorage
import misc
from parser import ConfigPreProcessor, varReplace
import transactioninfo
import urlgrabber
from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabber, URLGrabError
from urlgrabber.progress import format_number
from packageSack import packagesNewestByName, packagesNewestByNameArch, ListPackageSack
import depsolve
import plugins
import logginglevels
import yumRepo
import callbacks
import yum.history
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning)
from packages import parsePackages, comparePoEVR
from packages import YumAvailablePackage, YumLocalPackage, YumInstalledPackage
from packages import YumUrlPackage
from constants import *
from yum.rpmtrans import RPMTransaction,SimpleCliCallBack
from yum.i18n import to_unicode, to_str, exception2msg
import string
import StringIO
from weakref import proxy as weakref
from urlgrabber.grabber import default_grabber
__version__ = '3.2.29'
__version_info__ = tuple([ int(num) for num in __version__.split('.')])
# Setup a default_grabber UA here that says we are yum, done using the global
# so that other API users can easily add to it if they want.
# Don't do it at init time, or we'll get multiple additions if you create
# multiple YumBase() objects.
default_grabber.opts.user_agent += " yum/" + __version__
class _YumPreBaseConf:
"""This is the configuration interface for the YumBase configuration.
So if you want to change if plugins are on/off, or debuglevel/etc.
you tweak it here, and when yb.conf does it's thing ... it happens. """
def __init__(self):
self.fn = '/etc/yum/yum.conf'
self.root = '/'
self.init_plugins = True
self.plugin_types = (plugins.TYPE_CORE,)
self.optparser = None
self.debuglevel = None
self.errorlevel = None
self.disabled_plugins = None
self.enabled_plugins = None
self.syslog_ident = None
self.syslog_facility = None
self.syslog_device = None
self.arch = None
self.releasever = None
self.uuid = None
class _YumPreRepoConf:
"""This is the configuration interface for the repos configuration.
So if you want to change callbacks etc. you tweak it here, and when
yb.repos does it's thing ... it happens. """
def __init__(self):
self.progressbar = None
self.callback = None
self.failure_callback = None
self.interrupt_callback = None
self.confirm_func = None
self.gpg_import_func = None
self.gpgca_import_func = None
self.cachedir = None
self.cache = None
class _YumCostExclude:
""" This excludes packages that are in repos. of lower cost than the passed
repo. """
def __init__(self, repo, repos):
self.repo = weakref(repo)
self._repos = weakref(repos)
def __contains__(self, pkgtup):
# (n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtup
for repo in self._repos.listEnabled():
if repo.cost >= self.repo.cost:
# searchNevra is a bit slower, although more generic for repos.
# that don't use sqlitesack as the backend ... although they are
# probably screwed anyway.
# if repo.sack.searchNevra(n, e, v, r, a):
if pkgtup in repo.sack._pkgtup2pkgs:
return True
return False
class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
"""This is a primary structure and base class. It houses the objects and
methods needed to perform most things in yum. It is almost an abstract
class in that you will need to add your own class above it for most
real use."""
def __init__(self):
self._conf = None
self._tsInfo = None
self._rpmdb = None
self._up = None
self._comps = None
self._history = None
self._pkgSack = None
self._lockfile = None
self._tags = None
self._ts_save_file = None
self.skipped_packages = [] # packages skip by the skip-broken code
self.logger = logging.getLogger("yum.YumBase")
self.verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.YumBase")
self._override_sigchecks = False
self._repos = RepoStorage(self)
self.repo_setopts = {} # since we have to use repo_setopts in base and
# not in cli - set it up as empty so no one
# trips over it later
# Start with plugins disabled
self.localPackages = [] # for local package handling
self.mediagrabber = None
self.arch = ArchStorage()
self.preconf = _YumPreBaseConf()
self.prerepoconf = _YumPreRepoConf()
self.run_with_package_names = set()
self._cleanup = []
self.exit_code = 0
def __del__(self):
# call cleanup callbacks
for cb in self._cleanup: cb()
def close(self):
# We don't want to create the object, so we test if it's been created
if self._history is not None:
if self._repos:
def _transactionDataFactory(self):
"""Factory method returning TransactionData object"""
return transactioninfo.TransactionData()
def doGenericSetup(self, cache=0):
"""do a default setup for all the normal/necessary yum components,
really just a shorthand for testing"""
self.preconf.init_plugins = False
self.conf.cache = cache
def doConfigSetup(self, fn='/etc/yum/yum.conf', root='/', init_plugins=True,
plugin_types=(plugins.TYPE_CORE,), optparser=None, debuglevel=None,
warnings.warn(_('doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if hasattr(self, 'preconf'):
self.preconf.fn = fn
self.preconf.root = root
self.preconf.init_plugins = init_plugins
self.preconf.plugin_types = plugin_types
self.preconf.optparser = optparser
self.preconf.debuglevel = debuglevel
self.preconf.errorlevel = errorlevel
return self.conf
def _getConfig(self, **kwargs):
Parse and load Yum's configuration files and call hooks initialise
plugins and logging. Uses self.preconf for pre-configuration,
configuration. '''
# ' xemacs syntax hack
if kwargs:
warnings.warn('Use .preconf instead of passing args to _getConfig')
if self._conf:
return self._conf
conf_st = time.time()
if kwargs:
for arg in ('fn', 'root', 'init_plugins', 'plugin_types',
'optparser', 'debuglevel', 'errorlevel',
'disabled_plugins', 'enabled_plugins'):
if arg in kwargs:
setattr(self.preconf, arg, kwargs[arg])
fn = self.preconf.fn
root = self.preconf.root
init_plugins = self.preconf.init_plugins
plugin_types = self.preconf.plugin_types
optparser = self.preconf.optparser
debuglevel = self.preconf.debuglevel
errorlevel = self.preconf.errorlevel
disabled_plugins = self.preconf.disabled_plugins
enabled_plugins = self.preconf.enabled_plugins
syslog_ident = self.preconf.syslog_ident
syslog_facility = self.preconf.syslog_facility
syslog_device = self.preconf.syslog_device
releasever = self.preconf.releasever
arch = self.preconf.arch
uuid = self.preconf.uuid
if arch: # if preconf is setting an arch we need to pass that up
arch = self.arch.canonarch
# TODO: Remove this block when we no longer support configs outside
# of /etc/yum/
if fn == '/etc/yum/yum.conf' and not os.path.exists(fn):
# Try the old default
fn = '/etc/yum.conf'
startupconf = config.readStartupConfig(fn, root)
startupconf.arch = arch
startupconf.basearch = self.arch.basearch
if uuid:
startupconf.uuid = uuid
if startupconf.gaftonmode:
global _
_ = yum.i18n.dummy_wrapper
if debuglevel != None:
startupconf.debuglevel = debuglevel
if errorlevel != None:
startupconf.errorlevel = errorlevel
if syslog_ident != None:
startupconf.syslog_ident = syslog_ident
if syslog_facility != None:
startupconf.syslog_facility = syslog_facility
if syslog_device != None:
startupconf.syslog_device = syslog_device
if releasever == '/':
if startupconf.installroot == '/':
releasever = None
releasever = yum.config._getsysver("/",startupconf.distroverpkg)
if releasever != None:
startupconf.releasever = releasever
self.doLoggingSetup(startupconf.debuglevel, startupconf.errorlevel,
if init_plugins and startupconf.plugins:
self.doPluginSetup(optparser, plugin_types, startupconf.pluginpath,
self._conf = config.readMainConfig(startupconf)
# We don't want people accessing/altering preconf after it becomes
# worthless. So we delete it, and thus. it'll raise AttributeError
del self.preconf
# Packages used to run yum...
for pkgname in self.conf.history_record_packages:
# run the postconfig plugin hook
# Note that Pungi has historically replaced _getConfig(), and it sets
# up self.conf.yumvar but not self.yumvar ... and AFAIK nothing needs
# to use YumBase.yumvar, so it's probably easier to just semi-deprecate
# this (core now only uses YumBase.conf.yumvar).
self.yumvar = self.conf.yumvar
# who are we:
self.conf.uid = os.geteuid()
# repos are ver/arch specific so add $basearch/$releasever
self.conf._repos_persistdir = os.path.normpath('%s/repos/%s/%s/'
% (self.conf.persistdir, self.yumvar.get('basearch', '$basearch'),
self.yumvar.get('releasever', '$releasever')))
self.doFileLogSetup(self.conf.uid, self.conf.logfile)
self.verbose_logger.debug('Config time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - conf_st))
return self._conf
def doLoggingSetup(self, debuglevel, errorlevel,
syslog_ident=None, syslog_facility=None,
Perform logging related setup.
@param debuglevel: Debug logging level to use.
@param errorlevel: Error logging level to use.
logginglevels.doLoggingSetup(debuglevel, errorlevel,
syslog_ident, syslog_facility,
def doFileLogSetup(self, uid, logfile):
logginglevels.setFileLog(uid, logfile, self._cleanup)
def getReposFromConfigFile(self, repofn, repo_age=None, validate=None):
"""read in repositories from a config .repo file"""
if repo_age is None:
repo_age = os.stat(repofn)[8]
confpp_obj = ConfigPreProcessor(repofn, vars=self.conf.yumvar)
parser = ConfigParser()
except ParsingError, e:
msg = str(e)
raise Errors.ConfigError, msg
# Check sections in the .repo file that was just slurped up
for section in parser.sections():
if section in ['main', 'installed']:
# Check the repo.id against the valid chars
bad = None
for byte in section:
if byte in string.ascii_letters:
if byte in string.digits:
if byte in "-_.:":
bad = byte
if bad:
self.logger.warning("Bad id for repo: %s, byte = %s %d" %
(section, bad, section.find(bad)))
thisrepo = self.readRepoConfig(parser, section)
except (Errors.RepoError, Errors.ConfigError), e:
thisrepo.repo_config_age = repo_age
thisrepo.repofile = repofn
thisrepo.base_persistdir = self.conf._repos_persistdir
# do the wildcard ones first
# The keys are in indeterminate order at this point, *sigh*.
for i in sorted(self.repo_setopts):
# Skip normal names, as we want to do wildcard matches first
# and then override with specific id stuff.
if not misc.re_glob(i):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(thisrepo.id, i):
for opt in self.repo_setopts[i].items:
if not hasattr(thisrepo, opt):
msg = "Repo %s did not have a %s attr. before setopt"
self.logger.warning(msg % (thisrepo.id, opt))
setattr(thisrepo, opt, getattr(self.repo_setopts[i], opt))
if thisrepo.id in self.repo_setopts:
for opt in self.repo_setopts[thisrepo.id].items:
if not hasattr(thisrepo, opt):
msg = "Repo %s did not have a %s attr. before setopt"
self.logger.warning(msg % (thisrepo.id, opt))
setattr(thisrepo, opt, getattr(self.repo_setopts[thisrepo.id], opt))
if validate and not validate(thisrepo):
if thisrepo.ssl_check_cert_permissions:
for fn in (thisrepo.sslcacert,
thisrepo.sslclientcert, thisrepo.sslclientkey):
if not fn:
# If we can't read the SSL certs. we need to skip the repo.
# if we don't have all the data.
if not os.access(fn, os.R_OK):
msg="Repo %s forced skip_if_unavailable=True due to: %s"
if thisrepo.enabled:
# Don't spam messages for disabled repos.
self.logger.warning(msg % (thisrepo.id, fn))
thisrepo.skip_if_unavailable = True
# Got our list of repo objects, add them to the repos
# collection
except Errors.RepoError, e:
def getReposFromConfig(self):
"""read in repositories from config main and .repo files"""
# Read .repo files from directories specified by the reposdir option
# (typically /etc/yum/repos.d)
repo_config_age = self.conf.config_file_age
# Get the repos from the main yum.conf file
self.getReposFromConfigFile(self.conf.config_file_path, repo_config_age)
for reposdir in self.conf.reposdir:
# this check makes sure that our dirs exist properly.
# if they aren't in the installroot then don't prepend the installroot path
# if we don't do this then anaconda likes to not work.
if os.path.exists(self.conf.installroot+'/'+reposdir):
reposdir = self.conf.installroot + '/' + reposdir
reposdir = os.path.normpath(reposdir)
if os.path.isdir(reposdir):
for repofn in sorted(glob.glob('%s/*.repo' % reposdir)):
if not os.access(repofn, os.R_OK):
self.logger.warning(_("Skipping unreadable repository %s"), repr(repofn))
thisrepo_age = os.stat(repofn)[8]
if thisrepo_age < repo_config_age:
thisrepo_age = repo_config_age
self.getReposFromConfigFile(repofn, repo_age=thisrepo_age)
def readRepoConfig(self, parser, section):
'''Parse an INI file section for a repository.
@param parser: ConfParser or similar to read INI file values from.
@param section: INI file section to read.
@return: YumRepository instance.
repo = yumRepo.YumRepository(section)
repo.populate(parser, section, self.conf)
except ValueError, e:
msg = _('Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s' % (section,e))
raise Errors.ConfigError, msg
# Ensure that the repo name is set
if not repo.name:
repo.name = section
self.logger.error(_('Repository %r is missing name in configuration, '
'using id') % section)
repo.name = to_unicode(repo.name)
# Set attributes not from the config file
repo.old_base_cache_dir = getattr(self, '_old_cachedir', '')
repo.basecachedir = self.conf.cachedir
repo.cfg = parser
return repo
def disablePlugins(self):
'''Disable yum plugins
self.plugins = plugins.DummyYumPlugins()
def doPluginSetup(self, optparser=None, plugin_types=None, searchpath=None,
'''Initialise and enable yum plugins.
Note: _getConfig() will initialise plugins if instructed to. Only
call this method directly if not calling _getConfig() or calling
@param optparser: The OptionParser instance for this run (optional)
@param plugin_types: A sequence specifying the types of plugins to load.
This should be a sequence containing one or more of the
yum.plugins.TYPE_... constants. If None (the default), all plugins
will be loaded.
@param searchpath: A list of directories to look in for plugins. A
default will be used if no value is specified.
@param confpath: A list of directories to look in for plugin
configuration files. A default will be used if no value is
@param disabled_plugins: Plugins to be disabled
@param enabled_plugins: Plugins to be enabled
if isinstance(self.plugins, plugins.YumPlugins):
raise RuntimeError(_("plugins already initialised"))
self.plugins = plugins.YumPlugins(self, searchpath, optparser,
plugin_types, confpath, disabled_plugins, enabled_plugins)
def doRpmDBSetup(self):
warnings.warn(_('doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._getRpmDB()
def _getRpmDB(self):
"""sets up a holder object for important information from the rpmdb"""
if self._rpmdb is None:
rpmdb_st = time.time()
_('Reading Local RPMDB'))
self._rpmdb = rpmsack.RPMDBPackageSack(root=self.conf.installroot,
self.verbose_logger.debug('rpmdb time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - rpmdb_st))
return self._rpmdb
def closeRpmDB(self):
"""closes down the instances of the rpmdb we have wangling around"""
if self._rpmdb is not None:
self._rpmdb.ts = None
self._rpmdb = None
self._ts = None
self._tsInfo = None
self._up = None
self.comps = None
def _deleteTs(self):
del self._ts
self._ts = None
def doRepoSetup(self, thisrepo=None):
warnings.warn(_('doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._getRepos(thisrepo, True)
def _getRepos(self, thisrepo=None, doSetup = False):
""" For each enabled repository set up the basics of the repository. """
if hasattr(self, 'prerepoconf'):
self.conf # touch the config class first
# For rhnplugin, and in theory other stuff, calling
# .getReposFromConfig() recurses back into this function but only once.
# This means that we have two points on the stack leaving the above call
# but only one of them can do the repos setup. BZ 678043.
if hasattr(self, 'prerepoconf'):
# Recursion
prerepoconf = self.prerepoconf
del self.prerepoconf
self.repos.callback = prerepoconf.callback
self.repos.confirm_func = prerepoconf.confirm_func
self.repos.gpg_import_func = prerepoconf.gpg_import_func
self.repos.gpgca_import_func = prerepoconf.gpgca_import_func
if prerepoconf.cachedir is not None:
if prerepoconf.cache is not None:
if doSetup:
repo_st = time.time()
self.verbose_logger.debug('repo time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - repo_st))
return self._repos
def _delRepos(self):
del self._repos
self._repos = RepoStorage(self)
def doSackSetup(self, archlist=None, thisrepo=None):
warnings.warn(_('doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._getSacks(archlist=archlist, thisrepo=thisrepo)
def _getSacks(self, archlist=None, thisrepo=None):
"""populates the package sacks for information from our repositories,
takes optional archlist for archs to include"""
# FIXME: Fist of death ... normally we'd do either:
# 1. use self._pkgSack is not None, and only init. once.
# 2. auto. correctly re-init each time a repo is added/removed
# ...we should probably just smeg it and do #2, but it's hard and will
# probably break something (but it'll "fix" excludes).
# #1 can't be done atm. because we did self._pkgSack and external
# tools now rely on being able to create an empty sack and then have it
# auto. re-init when they add some stuff. So we add a bit more "clever"
# and don't setup the pkgSack to not be None when it's empty. This means
# we skip excludes/includes/etc. ... but there's no packages, so
# hopefully that's ok.
if self._pkgSack is not None and thisrepo is None:
return self._pkgSack
if thisrepo is None:
repos = 'enabled'
repos = self.repos.findRepos(thisrepo)
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Setting up Package Sacks'))
sack_st = time.time()
if not archlist:
archlist = self.arch.archlist
archdict = {}
for arch in archlist:
archdict[arch] = 1
if not self.repos.getPackageSack():
return self.repos.getPackageSack() # ha ha, see above
self._pkgSack = self.repos.getPackageSack()
#FIXME - this could be faster, too.
if repos == 'enabled':
repos = self.repos.listEnabled()
for repo in repos:
# now go through and kill pkgs based on pkg.repo.cost()
self.verbose_logger.debug('pkgsack time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - sack_st))
return self._pkgSack
def _delSacks(self):
"""reset the package sacks back to zero - making sure to nuke the ones
in the repo objects, too - where it matters"""
# nuke the top layer
self._pkgSack = None
for repo in self.repos.repos.values():
if hasattr(repo, '_resetSack'):
warnings.warn(_('repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n') +
_('therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n'),
Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
def doUpdateSetup(self):
warnings.warn(_('doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._getUpdates()
def _getUpdates(self):
"""setups up the update object in the base class and fills out the
updates, obsoletes and others lists"""
if self._up:
return self._up
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Building updates object'))
up_st = time.time()
self._up = rpmUtils.updates.Updates(self.rpmdb.simplePkgList(), self.pkgSack.simplePkgList())
if self.conf.debuglevel >= 7:
self._up.debug = 1
if hasattr(self, '_up_obs_hack'):
self._up.rawobsoletes = self._up_obs_hack.rawobsoletes
del self._up_obs_hack
elif self.conf.obsoletes:
obs_init = time.time()
# Note: newest=True here is semi-required for repos. with multiple
# versions. The problem is that if pkgA-2 _accidentally_ obsoletes
# pkgB-1, and we keep all versions, we want to release a pkgA-3
# that doesn't do the obsoletes ... and thus. not obsolete pkgB-1.
self._up.rawobsoletes = self.pkgSack.returnObsoletes(newest=True)
self.verbose_logger.debug('up:Obs Init time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - obs_init))
self._up.myarch = self.arch.canonarch
self._up._is_multilib = self.arch.multilib
self._up._archlist = self.arch.archlist
self._up._multilib_compat_arches = self.arch.compatarches
self._up.exactarch = self.conf.exactarch
self._up.exactarchlist = self.conf.exactarchlist
up_pr_st = time.time()
self.verbose_logger.debug('up:simple updates time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - up_pr_st))
if self.conf.obsoletes:
obs_st = time.time()
self.verbose_logger.debug('up:obs time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - obs_st))
cond_up_st = time.time()
self.verbose_logger.debug('up:condense time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - cond_up_st))
self.verbose_logger.debug('updates time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - up_st))
return self._up
def doGroupSetup(self):
warnings.warn(_('doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
self.comps = None
return self._getGroups()
def _setGroups(self, val):
if val is None:
# if we unset the comps object, we need to undo which repos have
# been added to the group file as well
if self._repos:
for repo in self._repos.listGroupsEnabled():
repo.groups_added = False
self._comps = val
def _getGroups(self):
"""create the groups object that will store the comps metadata
finds the repos with groups, gets their comps data and merge it
into the group object"""
if self._comps:
return self._comps
group_st = time.time()
_('Getting group metadata'))
reposWithGroups = []
# Need to make sure the groups data is ready to read. Really we'd want
# to add groups to the mdpolicy list of the repo. but we don't atm.
for repo in self.repos.listGroupsEnabled():
if repo.groups_added: # already added the groups from this repo
if not repo.ready():
raise Errors.RepoError, "Repository '%s' not yet setup" % repo
groupremote = repo.getGroupLocation()
except Errors.RepoMDError, e:
# now we know which repos actually have groups files.
overwrite = self.conf.overwrite_groups
self._comps = comps.Comps(overwrite_groups = overwrite)
for repo in reposWithGroups:
if repo.groups_added: # already added the groups from this repo
_('Adding group file from repository: %s'), repo)
groupfile = repo.getGroups()
# open it up as a file object so iterparse can cope with our compressed file
if groupfile:
groupfile = misc.repo_gen_decompress(groupfile, 'groups.xml',
# Do we want a RepoError here?
except (Errors.GroupsError,Errors.CompsException), e:
msg = _('Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s') % (repo, str(e))
repo.groups_added = True
if self._comps.compscount == 0:
raise Errors.GroupsError, _('No Groups Available in any repository')
self.verbose_logger.debug('group time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - group_st))
return self._comps
def _getTags(self):
""" create the tags object used to search/report from the pkgtags
tag_st = time.time()
_('Getting pkgtags metadata'))
if self._tags is None:
self._tags = yum.pkgtag_db.PackageTags()
for repo in self.repos.listEnabled():
if 'pkgtags' not in repo.repoXML.fileTypes():
_('Adding tags from repository: %s'), repo)
# fetch the sqlite tagdb
tag_md = repo.retrieveMD('pkgtags')
tag_sqlite = misc.repo_gen_decompress(tag_md,
# feed it into _tags.add()
self._tags.add(repo.id, tag_sqlite)
except (Errors.RepoError, Errors.PkgTagsError), e:
msg = _('Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s') % (repo, str(e))
self.verbose_logger.debug('tags time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - tag_st))
return self._tags
def _getHistory(self):
"""auto create the history object that to access/append the transaction
history information. """
if self._history is None:
pdb_path = self.conf.persistdir + "/history"
self._history = yum.history.YumHistory(root=self.conf.installroot,
return self._history
# properties so they auto-create themselves with defaults
repos = property(fget=lambda self: self._getRepos(),
fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_repos", value),
fdel=lambda self: self._delRepos(),
doc="Repo Storage object - object of yum repositories")
pkgSack = property(fget=lambda self: self._getSacks(),
fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_pkgSack", value),
fdel=lambda self: self._delSacks(),
doc="Package sack object - object of yum package objects")
conf = property(fget=lambda self: self._getConfig(),
fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_conf", value),
fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_conf", None),
doc="Yum Config Object")
rpmdb = property(fget=lambda self: self._getRpmDB(),
fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_rpmdb", value),
fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_rpmdb", None),
doc="RpmSack object")
tsInfo = property(fget=lambda self: self._getTsInfo(),
fset=lambda self,value: self._setTsInfo(value),
fdel=lambda self: self._delTsInfo(),
doc="Transaction Set information object")
ts = property(fget=lambda self: self._getActionTs(),
fdel=lambda self: self._deleteTs(),
doc="TransactionSet object")
up = property(fget=lambda self: self._getUpdates(),
fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_up", value),
fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_up", None),
doc="Updates Object")
comps = property(fget=lambda self: self._getGroups(),
fset=lambda self, value: self._setGroups(value),
fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_comps", None),
doc="Yum Component/groups object")
history = property(fget=lambda self: self._getHistory(),
fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_history",value),
fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_history", None),
doc="Yum History Object")
pkgtags = property(fget=lambda self: self._getTags(),
fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_tags",value),
fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_tags", None),
doc="Yum Package Tags Object")
def doSackFilelistPopulate(self):
"""convenience function to populate the repos with the filelist metadata
it also is simply to only emit a log if anything actually gets populated"""
necessary = False
# I can't think of a nice way of doing this, we have to have the sack here
# first or the below does nothing so...
if self.pkgSack:
for repo in self.repos.listEnabled():
if repo in repo.sack.added:
if 'filelists' in repo.sack.added[repo]:
necessary = True
necessary = True
if necessary:
msg = _('Importing additional filelist information')
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)
def yumUtilsMsg(self, func, prog):
""" Output a message that the tool requires the yum-utils package,
if not installed. """
if self.rpmdb.contains(name="yum-utils"):
hibeg, hiend = "", ""
if hasattr(self, 'term'):
hibeg, hiend = self.term.MODE['bold'], self.term.MODE['normal']
func(_("The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package.") %
(hibeg, prog, hiend))
def buildTransaction(self, unfinished_transactions_check=True):
"""go through the packages in the transaction set, find them in the
packageSack or rpmdb, and pack up the ts accordingly"""
# FIXME: This is horrible, see below and yummain. Maybe create a real
# rescode object? :(
self._depsolving_failed = False
if (unfinished_transactions_check and
msg = _('There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might ' \
'consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.' )
self.yumUtilsMsg(self.logger.critical, "yum-complete-transaction")
# XXX - we could add a conditional here to avoid running the plugins and
# limit_installonly_pkgs, etc - if we're being run from yum-complete-transaction
# and don't want it to happen. - skv
ds_st = time.time()
(rescode, restring) = self.resolveDeps()
# if enabled clean up requirments when removing the things which brought them in.
if self.conf.clean_requirements_on_remove:
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies'))
# We _must_ get rid of all the used tses before we go on, so that C-c
# works for downloads / mirror failover etc.
kern_pkgtup = None
if rescode == 2 and self.conf.protected_packages:
kern_pkgtup =misc.get_running_kernel_pkgtup(self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS())
self.rpmdb.ts = None
# do the skip broken magic, if enabled and problems exist
(rescode, restring) = self._doSkipBroken(rescode, restring)
self.plugins.run('postresolve', rescode=rescode, restring=restring)
if self.tsInfo.changed:
(rescode, restring) = self.resolveDeps(rescode == 1)
# If transaction was changed by postresolve plugins then we should run skipbroken again
(rescode, restring) = self._doSkipBroken(rescode, restring, clear_skipped=False )
if self.tsInfo._pkgSack is not None: # Transactions have pkgSack?
# FIXME: This is horrible, see below and yummain. Maybe create a real
# rescode object? :(
self._depsolving_failed = rescode == 1
txmbrs = []
if rescode == 2 and self.conf.protected_multilib and self.arch.multilib:
txmbrs = self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(None, TS_INSTALL_STATES)
vers = {}
for txmbr in txmbrs:
if self.allowedMultipleInstalls(txmbr.po):
continue # Just allow these, it's easier.
# In theory we could skip noarch packages here, but it's really
# fast and there are some edge cases where it'll help.
if txmbr.name not in vers:
vers[txmbr.name] = [txmbr.po]
fine = []
xrestring = []
for pkgname in vers:
if len(vers[pkgname]) <= 1:
# We have to go govelling through the rpmdb data to get
for pkg in self.rpmdb.searchNames([pkgname]):
if self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(pkg.pkgtup,
# If we have multiple packages, they should be of different arches
# and so if all the versions are equal, we should be fine.
first = vers[pkgname][0]
for other in vers[pkgname][1:]:
if first.verEQ(other):
msg = _('Protected multilib versions: %s != %s')
if not xrestring:
# People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
# them a nicer message.
bigmsg = _("""\
Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root
cause is something else and multilib version checking is just
pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:
1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some
dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to
solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the
different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture
yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package
requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with
--exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error
message showing the root cause of the problem.
2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but
yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.
If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you
can remove the one with the missing update and everything
will work.
3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.
You can use "yum check" to get yum show these errors.
...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove
this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to
do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing
much more problems).
""") % {'name' : pkgname}
msg = bigmsg + msg
xrestring.append(msg % (first, other))
if xrestring:
rescode = 1
self._depsolving_failed = False
restring = xrestring
# This is a version of the old "protect-packages" plugin, it allows
# you to erase duplicates and do remove+install.
# But we don't allow you to turn it off!:)
protect_states = [TS_OBSOLETED, TS_ERASE]
txmbrs = []
if rescode == 2 and self.conf.protected_packages:
protected = set(self.conf.protected_packages)
txmbrs = self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(None, protect_states)
bad_togo = {}
for txmbr in txmbrs:
if kern_pkgtup is not None and txmbr.pkgtup == kern_pkgtup:
elif kern_pkgtup is not None and txmbr.name == kern_pkgtup[0]:
# We don't care if they've explicitly set protected on the
# kernel package. Because we don't allow you to uninstall the
# running one so it has _special_ semantics anyway.
elif txmbr.name not in protected:
if txmbr.name not in bad_togo:
bad_togo[txmbr.name] = []
for ipkg in self.rpmdb.searchNames(bad_togo.keys()):
if (kern_pkgtup is not None and ipkg.name == kern_pkgtup[0] and
kern_pkgtup in bad_togo[kern_pkgtup[0]]):
continue # If "running kernel" matches, it's always bad.
if ipkg.name not in bad_togo:
# If there is at least one version not being removed, allow it
if ipkg.pkgtup not in bad_togo[ipkg.name]:
del bad_togo[ipkg.name]
for pkgname in bad_togo.keys():
if (kern_pkgtup is not None and pkgname == kern_pkgtup[0] and
kern_pkgtup in bad_togo[kern_pkgtup[0]]):
continue # If "running kernel" matches, it's always bad.
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=pkgname):
if txmbr.name not in bad_togo:
if txmbr.pkgtup in bad_togo[ipkg.name]:
# If we are installing one version we aren't removing, allow it
if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
del bad_togo[ipkg.name]
if bad_togo:
rescode = 1
restring = []
for pkgname in sorted(bad_togo):
restring.append(_('Trying to remove "%s", which is protected') %
self._depsolving_failed = False
if rescode == 2:
self.verbose_logger.debug('Depsolve time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - ds_st))
return rescode, restring
def _doSkipBroken(self,rescode, restring, clear_skipped=True):
''' do skip broken if it is enabled '''
# if depsolve failed and skipbroken is enabled
# The remove the broken packages from the transactions and
# Try another depsolve
if self.conf.skip_broken and rescode==1:
if clear_skipped:
self.skipped_packages = [] # reset the public list of skipped packages.
sb_st = time.time()
rescode, restring = self._skipPackagesWithProblems(rescode, restring)
self.verbose_logger.debug('Skip-Broken time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - sb_st))
return (rescode, restring)
def _skipPackagesWithProblems(self, rescode, restring):
''' Remove the packages with depsolve errors and depsolve again '''
def _remove(po, depTree, toRemove):
if not po:
self._getPackagesToRemove(po, depTree, toRemove)
# Only remove non installed packages from pkgSack
def _remove_from_sack(po):
# get all compatible arch packages from pkgSack
# we need to remove them too so i386 packages are not
# dragged in when a x86_64 is skipped.
pkgs = self._getPackagesToRemoveAllArch(po)
for pkg in pkgs:
if not po.repoid == 'installed' and pkg not in removed_from_sack:
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: removing %s from pkgSack & updates' % str(po))
# Keep removing packages & Depsolve until all errors is gone
# or the transaction is empty
count = 0
skipped_po = set()
removed_from_sack = set()
orig_restring = restring # Keep the old error messages
looping = 0
while (len(self.po_with_problems) > 0 and rescode == 1):
count += 1
# Remove all the rpmdb cache data, this is somewhat heavy handed
# but easier than removing/altering specific bits of the cache ...
# and skip-broken shouldn't care too much about speed.
self.installedFileRequires = None # Kind of hacky
self.verbose_logger.debug("SKIPBROKEN: ########### Round %i ################" , count)
if count == 30: # Failsafe, to avoid endless looping
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: Too many loops ')
depTree = self._buildDepTree()
startTs = set(self.tsInfo)
toRemove = set()
for po,wpo,err in self.po_with_problems:
# check if the problem is caused by a package in the transaction
if not self.tsInfo.exists(po.pkgtup):
_remove(wpo, depTree, toRemove)
_remove(po, depTree, toRemove)
for po in toRemove:
skipped = self._skipFromTransaction(po)
for skip in skipped:
# make sure we get the compat arch packages skip from pkgSack and up too.
if skip not in removed_from_sack and skip.repoid != 'installed':
# Nothing was removed, so we still got a problem
# the first time we get here we reset the resolved members of
# tsInfo and takes a new run all members in the current transaction
if not toRemove:
looping += 1
if looping > 2:
break # Bail out
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: resetting already resolved packages (no packages to skip)' )
rescode, restring = self.resolveDeps(True, skipping_broken=True)
endTs = set(self.tsInfo)
# Check if tsInfo has changes since we started to skip packages
# if there is no changes then we got a loop.
# the first time we get here we reset the resolved members of
# tsInfo and takes a new run all members in the current transaction
if startTs-endTs == set():
looping += 1
if looping > 2:
break # Bail out
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: resetting already resolved packages (transaction not changed)' )
# Reset the looping counter, because it is only a loop if the same transaction is
# unchanged two times in row, not if it has been unchanged in a early stage.
looping = 0
# if we are all clear, then we have to check that the whole current transaction
# can complete the depsolve without error, because the packages skipped
# can have broken something that passed the tests earlier.
# FIXME: We need do this in a better way.
if rescode != 1:
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: sanity check the current transaction' )
self._checkMissingObsoleted() # This is totally insane, but needed :(
self._checkUpdatedLeftovers() # Cleanup updated leftovers
rescode, restring = self.resolveDeps()
if rescode != 1:
self.verbose_logger.debug("SKIPBROKEN: took %i rounds ", count)
self.verbose_logger.info(_('\nPackages skipped because of dependency problems:'))
skipped_list = [p for p in skipped_po]
for po in skipped_list:
msg = _(" %s from %s") % (str(po),po.repo.id)
self.skipped_packages.extend(skipped_list) # make the skipped packages public
# If we cant solve the problems the show the original error messages.
self.verbose_logger.info("Skip-broken could not solve problems")
return 1, orig_restring
return rescode, restring
def _checkMissingObsoleted(self):
If multiple packages is obsoleting the same package
then the TS_OBSOLETED can get removed from the transaction
so we must make sure that they, exist and else create them
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(None, [TS_OBSOLETING,TS_OBSOLETED]):
for pkg in txmbr.obsoletes:
if not self.tsInfo.exists(pkg.pkgtup):
obs = self.tsInfo.addObsoleted(pkg,txmbr.po)
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: Added missing obsoleted %s (%s)' % (pkg,txmbr.po) )
for pkg in txmbr.obsoleted_by:
# check if the obsoleting txmbr is in the transaction
# else remove the obsoleted txmbr
# it clean out some really wierd cases
if not self.tsInfo.exists(pkg.pkgtup):
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: Remove extra obsoleted %s (%s)' % (txmbr.po,pkg) )
def _checkUpdatedLeftovers(self):
If multiple packages is updated the same package
and this package get removed because of an dep issue
then make sure that all the TS_UPDATED get removed.
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(None, [TS_UPDATED]):
for pkg in txmbr.updated_by:
# check if the updating txmbr is in the transaction
# else remove the updated txmbr
# it clean out some really wierd cases with dupes installed on the system
if not self.tsInfo.exists(pkg.pkgtup):
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: Remove extra updated %s (%s)' % (txmbr.po,pkg) )
def _getPackagesToRemoveAllArch(self,po):
''' get all compatible arch packages in pkgSack'''
pkgs = []
if self.arch.multilib:
n,a,e,v,r = po.pkgtup
# skip for all compat archs
for a in self.arch.archlist:
pkgtup = (n,a,e,v,r)
matched = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(n,e,v,r,a)
return pkgs
def _skipFromTransaction(self,po):
skipped = []
n,a,e,v,r = po.pkgtup
# skip for all compat archs
for a in self.arch.archlist:
pkgtup = (n,a,e,v,r)
if self.tsInfo.exists(pkgtup):
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup):
pkg = txmbr.po
skip = self._removePoFromTransaction(pkg)
return skipped
def _removePoFromTransaction(self,po):
skip = []
if self.tsInfo.exists(po.pkgtup):
self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: removing %s from transaction' % str(po))
if not po.repoid == 'installed':
return skip
def _buildDepTree(self):
''' create a dictionary with po and deps '''
depTree = { }
for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
for dep in txmbr.depends_on:
depTree.setdefault(dep, []).append(txmbr.po)
# self._printDepTree(depTree)
return depTree
def _printDepTree(self, tree):
for pkg, l in tree.iteritems():
print pkg
for p in l:
print "\t", p
def _printTransaction(self):
#transaction set states
state = { TS_UPDATE : "update",
TS_INSTALL : "install",
TS_TRUEINSTALL: "trueinstall",
TS_ERASE : "erase",
TS_OBSOLETED : "obsoleted",
TS_OBSOLETING : "obsoleting",
TS_AVAILABLE : "available",
TS_UPDATED : "updated"}
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2,"SKIPBROKEN: Current Transaction : %i member(s) " % len(self.tsInfo))
for txmbr in sorted(self.tsInfo):
msg = "SKIPBROKEN: %-11s : %s " % (state[txmbr.output_state],txmbr.po)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, msg)
for po,rel in sorted(set(txmbr.relatedto)):
msg = "SKIPBROKEN: %s : %s" % (rel,po)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, msg)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2,"SKIPBROKEN:%s" % (60 * "="))
def _getPackagesToRemove(self,po,deptree,toRemove):
get the (related) pos to remove.
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(po.pkgtup):
for pkg in (txmbr.updates + txmbr.obsoletes):
self._getDepsToRemove(pkg, deptree, toRemove)
# Remove related packages
for (relative, relation) in txmbr.relatedto:
self._getDepsToRemove(relative, deptree, toRemove)
self._getDepsToRemove(po, deptree, toRemove)
def _getDepsToRemove(self,po, deptree, toRemove):
for dep in deptree.get(po, []): # Loop trough all deps of po
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(dep.pkgtup):
for pkg in (txmbr.updates + txmbr.obsoletes):
self._getDepsToRemove(dep, deptree, toRemove)
def _rpmdb_warn_checks_exc(self, out=None, warn=True, chkcmd=None, header=None,
if out is None:
out = self.logger.warning
if chkcmd is None:
chkcmd = ['dependencies', 'duplicates']
if header is None:
# FIXME: _N()
msg = _("** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s),"
" 'yum check' output follows:")
header = lambda problems: not problems or out(msg % problems)
if warn:
out(_('Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'))
if type(chkcmd) in (type([]), type(set())):
chkcmd = set(chkcmd)
chkcmd = set([chkcmd])
ignore_pkgtups = set((pkg.pkgtup for pkg in ignore_pkgs))
rc = 0
probs = []
if chkcmd.intersection(set(('all', 'dependencies'))):
prob2ui = {'requires' : _('missing requires'),
'conflicts' : _('installed conflict')}
for prob in self.rpmdb.check_dependencies():
if prob.pkg.pkgtup in ignore_pkgtups:
if prob.problem == 'conflicts':
found = True # all the conflicting pkgs have to be ignored
for res in prob.conflicts:
if res.pkgtup not in ignore_pkgtups:
found = False
if found:
if chkcmd.intersection(set(('all', 'duplicates'))):
iopkgs = set(self.conf.installonlypkgs)
for prob in self.rpmdb.check_duplicates(iopkgs):
if prob.pkg.pkgtup in ignore_pkgtups:
if prob.duplicate.pkgtup in ignore_pkgtups:
if chkcmd.intersection(set(('all', 'obsoleted'))):
for prob in self.rpmdb.check_obsoleted():
if prob.pkg.pkgtup in ignore_pkgtups:
if prob.obsoleter.pkgtup in ignore_pkgtups:
if chkcmd.intersection(set(('all', 'provides'))):
for prob in self.rpmdb.check_provides():
if prob.pkg.pkgtup in ignore_pkgtups:
for prob in sorted(probs):
return probs
def _rpmdb_warn_checks(self, out=None, warn=True, chkcmd=None, header=None,
return self._rpmdb_warn_checks_exc(out, warn, chkcmd, header, ignore_pkgs)
except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
# This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
self.verbose_logger.info(_(" Yum checks failed: %s"), exception2msg(e))
return []
def runTransaction(self, cb):
"""takes an rpm callback object, performs the transaction"""
# by default, need to define macro to enable them.
rpm.addMacro("_accept_script_stop_start_callbacks", "1")
# We may want to put this other places, eventually, but for now it's
# good as long as we get it right for history.
for repo in self.repos.listEnabled():
if repo._xml2sqlite_local:
if (not self.conf.history_record or
frpmdbv = self.tsInfo.futureRpmDBVersion()
using_pkgs_pats = list(self.run_with_package_names)
using_pkgs = self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=using_pkgs_pats)
rpmdbv = self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
lastdbv = self.history.last()
if lastdbv is not None:
lastdbv = lastdbv.end_rpmdbversion
rpmdb_problems = []
if lastdbv is None or rpmdbv != lastdbv:
txmbrs = self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(None, TS_REMOVE_STATES)
ignore_pkgs = [txmbr.po for txmbr in txmbrs]
output_warn = lastdbv is not None
rpmdb_problems = self._rpmdb_warn_checks(warn=output_warn,
cmdline = None
if hasattr(self, 'args') and self.args:
cmdline = ' '.join(self.args)
elif hasattr(self, 'cmds') and self.cmds:
cmdline = ' '.join(self.cmds)
frpmdbv = self.tsInfo.futureRpmDBVersion()
self.history.beg(rpmdbv, using_pkgs, list(self.tsInfo),
self.skipped_packages, rpmdb_problems, cmdline)
# write out our config and repo data to additional history info
if hasattr(self, '_shell_history_write'): # Only in cli...
# Just before we update the transaction, update what we think the
# rpmdb will look like. This needs to be done before the run, so that if
# "something" happens and the rpmdb is different from what we think it
# will be we store what we thought, not what happened (so it'll be an
# invalid cache).
# transaction has started - all bets are off on our saved ts file
if self._ts_save_file is not None:
# write the saved transaction data to the addon location in history
# so we can pull it back later if we need to
savetx_msg = open(self._ts_save_file, 'r').read()
self.history.write_addon_data('saved_tx', savetx_msg)
except (IOError, OSError), e:
self._ts_save_file = None
if self.conf.reset_nice:
onice = os.nice(0)
if onice:
onice = 0
errors = self.ts.run(cb.callback, '')
# ts.run() exit codes are, hmm, "creative": None means all ok, empty
# list means some errors happened in the transaction and non-empty
# list that there were errors preventing the ts from starting...
if self.conf.reset_nice:
# make resultobject - just a plain yumgenericholder object
resultobject = misc.GenericHolder()
resultobject.return_code = 0
if errors is None:
elif len(errors) == 0:
errstring = _('Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction.')
resultobject.return_code = 1
if self.conf.history_record and not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST):
herrors = [to_unicode(to_str(x)) for x in errors]
self.history.end(rpmdbv, 2, errors=herrors)
self.logger.critical(_("Transaction couldn't start:"))
for e in errors:
self.logger.critical(e[0]) # should this be 'to_unicoded'?
raise Errors.YumRPMTransError(msg=_("Could not run transaction."),
if (not self.conf.keepcache and
not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST)):
for i in ('ts_all_fn', 'ts_done_fn'):
if hasattr(cb, i):
fn = getattr(cb, i)
except (IOError, OSError), e:
self.logger.critical(_('Failed to remove transaction file %s') % fn)
# drop out the rpm cache so we don't step on bad hdr indexes
if (self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST) or
# sync up what just happened versus what is in the rpmdb
if not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST):
vTcb = None
if hasattr(cb, 'verify_txmbr'):
vTcb = cb.verify_txmbr
self.verifyTransaction(resultobject, vTcb)
return resultobject
def verifyTransaction(self, resultobject=None, txmbr_cb=None):
"""checks that the transaction did what we expected it to do. Also
propagates our external yumdb info"""
# check to see that the rpmdb and the tsInfo roughly matches
# push package object metadata outside of rpmdb into yumdb
# delete old yumdb metadata entries
# for each pkg in the tsInfo
# if it is an install - see that the pkg is installed
# if it is a remove - see that the pkg is no longer installed, provided
# that there is not also an install of this pkg in the tsInfo (reinstall)
# for any kind of install add from_repo to the yumdb, and the cmdline
# and the install reason
def _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count):
if txmbr_cb is not None:
count += 1
txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
return count
vt_st = time.time()
count = 0
for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
if not self.rpmdb.contains(po=txmbr.po):
# maybe a file log here, too
# but raising an exception is not going to do any good
self.logger.critical(_('%s was supposed to be installed' \
' but is not!' % txmbr.po))
# Note: Get Panu to do te.Failed() so we don't have to
txmbr.output_state = TS_FAILED
count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
po = self.getInstalledPackageObject(txmbr.pkgtup)
rpo = txmbr.po
po.yumdb_info.from_repo = rpo.repoid
po.yumdb_info.reason = txmbr.reason
po.yumdb_info.releasever = self.conf.yumvar['releasever']
if hasattr(self, 'args') and self.args:
po.yumdb_info.command_line = ' '.join(self.args)
elif hasattr(self, 'cmds') and self.cmds:
po.yumdb_info.command_line = ' '.join(self.cmds)
csum = rpo.returnIdSum()
if csum is not None:
po.yumdb_info.checksum_type = str(csum[0])
po.yumdb_info.checksum_data = str(csum[1])
if isinstance(rpo, YumLocalPackage):
st = os.stat(rpo.localPkg())
lp_ctime = str(int(st.st_ctime))
lp_mtime = str(int(st.st_mtime))
po.yumdb_info.from_repo_revision = lp_ctime
po.yumdb_info.from_repo_timestamp = lp_mtime
except: pass
if rpo.xattr_origin_url is not None:
po.yumdb_info.origin_url = rpo.xattr_origin_url
if hasattr(rpo.repo, 'repoXML'):
md = rpo.repo.repoXML
if md and md.revision is not None:
po.yumdb_info.from_repo_revision = str(md.revision)
if md:
po.yumdb_info.from_repo_timestamp = str(md.timestamp)
loginuid = misc.getloginuid()
if txmbr.updates or txmbr.downgrades or txmbr.reinstall:
if txmbr.updates:
opo = txmbr.updates[0]
elif txmbr.downgrades:
opo = txmbr.downgrades[0]
opo = po
if 'installed_by' in opo.yumdb_info:
po.yumdb_info.installed_by = opo.yumdb_info.installed_by
if loginuid is not None:
po.yumdb_info.changed_by = str(loginuid)
elif loginuid is not None:
po.yumdb_info.installed_by = str(loginuid)
if self.conf.history_record:
# Remove old ones after installing new ones, so we can copy values.
for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
elif txmbr.output_state in TS_REMOVE_STATES:
if self.rpmdb.contains(po=txmbr.po):
if not self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(pkgtup=txmbr.pkgtup,
# maybe a file log here, too
# but raising an exception is not going to do any good
# Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
# always find the erased txmbr to set it when
# we should.
self.logger.critical(_('%s was supposed to be removed' \
' but is not!' % txmbr.po))
# Note: Get Panu to do te.Failed() so we don't have to
txmbr.output_state = TS_FAILED
count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
yumdb_item = self.rpmdb.yumdb.get_package(po=txmbr.po)
count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, 'What is this? %s' % txmbr.po)
rpmdbv = self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
if self.conf.history_record and not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST):
ret = -1
if resultobject is not None:
ret = resultobject.return_code
self.history.end(rpmdbv, ret)
self.verbose_logger.debug('VerifyTransaction time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - vt_st))
def costExcludePackages(self):
""" Create an excluder for repos. with higher cost. Eg.
repo-A:cost=1 repo-B:cost=2 ... here we setup an excluder on repo-B
that looks for pkgs in repo-B."""
# if all the repo.costs are equal then don't bother running things
costs = {}
for r in self.repos.listEnabled():
costs.setdefault(r.cost, []).append(r)
if len(costs) <= 1:
done = False
exid = "yum.costexcludes"
orepos = []
for cost in sorted(costs):
if done: # Skip the first one, as they have lowest cost so are good.
for repo in costs[cost]:
yce = _YumCostExclude(repo, self.repos)
repo.sack.addPackageExcluder(repo.id, exid,
'exclude.pkgtup.in', yce)
done = True
def excludePackages(self, repo=None):
"""removes packages from packageSacks based on global exclude lists,
command line excludes and per-repository excludes, takes optional
repo object to use."""
if "all" in self.conf.disable_excludes:
# if not repo: then assume global excludes, only
# if repo: then do only that repos' packages and excludes
if not repo: # global only
if "main" in self.conf.disable_excludes:
excludelist = self.conf.exclude
repoid = None
exid_beg = 'yum.excludepkgs'
if repo.id in self.conf.disable_excludes:
excludelist = repo.getExcludePkgList()
repoid = repo.id
exid_beg = 'yum.excludepkgs.' + repoid
count = 0
for match in excludelist:
count += 1
exid = "%s.%u" % (exid_beg, count)
self.pkgSack.addPackageExcluder(repoid, exid,'exclude.match', match)
def includePackages(self, repo):
"""removes packages from packageSacks based on list of packages, to include.
takes repoid as a mandatory argument."""
includelist = repo.getIncludePkgList()
if len(includelist) == 0:
# includepkgs actually means "exclude everything that doesn't match".
# So we mark everything, then wash those we want to keep and then
# exclude everything that is marked.
exid = "yum.includepkgs.1"
self.pkgSack.addPackageExcluder(repo.id, exid, 'mark.washed')
count = 0
for match in includelist:
count += 1
exid = "%s.%u" % ("yum.includepkgs.2", count)
self.pkgSack.addPackageExcluder(repo.id, exid, 'wash.match', match)
exid = "yum.includepkgs.3"
self.pkgSack.addPackageExcluder(repo.id, exid, 'exclude.marked')
def doLock(self, lockfile = YUM_PID_FILE):
"""perform the yum locking, raise yum-based exceptions, not OSErrors"""
if self.conf.uid != 0:
# If we are a user, assume we are using the root cache ... so don't
# bother locking.
if self.conf.cache:
root = self.conf.cachedir
# Don't want <cachedir>/var/run/yum.pid ... just: <cachedir>/yum.pid
lockfile = os.path.basename(lockfile)
root = self.conf.installroot
lockfile = root + '/' + lockfile # lock in the chroot
lockfile = os.path.normpath(lockfile) # get rid of silly preceding extra /
while not self._lock(lockfile, mypid, 0644):
fd = open(lockfile, 'r')
except (IOError, OSError), e:
msg = _("Could not open lock %s: %s") % (lockfile, e)
raise Errors.LockError(errno.EPERM, msg)
try: oldpid = int(fd.readline())
except ValueError:
# bogus data in the pid file. Throw away.
if oldpid == os.getpid(): # if we own the lock, we're fine
try: os.kill(oldpid, 0)
except OSError, e:
if e[0] == errno.ESRCH:
# The pid doesn't exist
# Whoa. What the heck happened?
msg = _('Unable to check if PID %s is active') % oldpid
raise Errors.LockError(errno.EPERM, msg, oldpid)
# Another copy seems to be running.
msg = _('Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s.') % (lockfile, oldpid)
raise Errors.LockError(0, msg, oldpid)
# We've got the lock, store it so we can auto-unlock on __del__...
self._lockfile = lockfile
def doUnlock(self, lockfile=None):
"""do the unlock for yum"""
# if we're not root then we don't lock - just return nicely
# Note that we can get here from __del__, so if we haven't created
# YumBase.conf we don't want to do so here as creating stuff inside
# __del__ is bad.
if hasattr(self, 'preconf'):
# Obviously, we can't lock random places as non-root, but we still want
# to get rid of our lock file. Given we now have _lockfile I'm pretty
# sure nothing should ever pass lockfile in here anyway.
if self.conf.uid != 0:
lockfile = None
if lockfile is not None:
root = self.conf.installroot
lockfile = root + '/' + lockfile # lock in the chroot
elif self._lockfile is None:
return # Don't delete other people's lock files on __del__
lockfile = self._lockfile # Get the value we locked with
self._lockfile = None
def _lock(self, filename, contents='', mode=0777):
lockdir = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(lockdir):
os.makedirs(lockdir, mode=0755)
fd = os.open(filename, os.O_EXCL|os.O_CREAT|os.O_WRONLY, mode)
except OSError, msg:
if not msg.errno == errno.EEXIST:
# Whoa. What the heck happened?
errmsg = _('Could not create lock at %s: %s ') % (filename, str(msg))
raise Errors.LockError(msg.errno, errmsg, int(contents))
return 0
os.write(fd, contents)
return 1
def _unlock(self, filename):
def verifyPkg(self, fo, po, raiseError):
"""verifies the package is what we expect it to be
raiseError = defaults to 0 - if 1 then will raise
a URLGrabError if the file does not check out.
otherwise it returns false for a failure, true for success"""
failed = False
if type(fo) is types.InstanceType:
fo = fo.filename
if fo != po.localPkg():
po.localpath = fo
if not po.verifyLocalPkg():
failed = True
ylp = YumLocalPackage(self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS(), fo)
if ylp.pkgtup != po.pkgtup:
failed = True
if failed:
# if the file is wrong AND it is >= what we expected then it
# can't be redeemed. If we can, kill it and start over fresh
cursize = os.stat(fo)[6]
totsize = long(po.size)
if cursize >= totsize and not po.repo.cache:
# if the path to the file is NOT inside the cachedir then don't
# unlink it b/c it is probably a file:// url and possibly
# unlinkable
if fo.startswith(po.repo.cachedir):
if raiseError:
msg = _('Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata') % po.repo.id
raise URLGrabError(-1, msg)
return False
return True
def verifyChecksum(self, fo, checksumType, csum):
"""Verify the checksum of the file versus the
provided checksum"""
filesum = misc.checksum(checksumType, fo)
except Errors.MiscError, e:
raise URLGrabError(-3, _('Could not perform checksum'))
if filesum != csum:
raise URLGrabError(-1, _('Package does not match checksum'))
return 0
def downloadPkgs(self, pkglist, callback=None, callback_total=None):
def mediasort(apo, bpo):
# FIXME: we should probably also use the mediaid; else we
# could conceivably ping-pong between different disc1's
a = apo.getDiscNum()
b = bpo.getDiscNum()
if a is None and b is None:
return cmp(apo, bpo)
if a is None:
return -1
if b is None:
return 1
if a < b:
return -1
elif a > b:
return 1
return 0
"""download list of package objects handed to you, output based on
callback, raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError on problems"""
errors = {}
def adderror(po, msg):
errors.setdefault(po, []).append(msg)
# We close the history DB here because some plugins (presto) use
# threads. And sqlite really doesn't like threads. And while I don't
# think it should matter, we've had some reports of history DB
# corruption, and it was implied that it happened just after C-c
# at download time and this is a safe thing to do.
# Note that manual testing shows that history is not connected by
# this point, from the cli with no plugins. So this really does
# nothing *sigh*.
self.plugins.run('predownload', pkglist=pkglist)
downloadonly = getattr(self.conf, 'downloadonly', False)
repo_cached = False
remote_pkgs = []
remote_size = 0
for po in pkglist:
if hasattr(po, 'pkgtype') and po.pkgtype == 'local':
local = po.localPkg()
if os.path.exists(local):
if not self.verifyPkg(local, po, False):
if po.repo.cache:
repo_cached = True
adderror(po, _('package fails checksum but caching is '
'enabled for %s') % po.repo.id)
self.verbose_logger.debug(_("using local copy of %s") %(po,))
if downloadonly:
# download to temp file
rpmfile = po.localpath
po.localpath += '.%d.tmp' % os.getpid()
try: os.rename(rpmfile, po.localpath)
except OSError: pass
po.basepath # prefetch now; fails when repos are closed
remote_size += po.size
# caching is enabled and the package
# just failed to check out there's no
# way to save this, report the error and return
if (self.conf.cache or repo_cached) and errors:
return errors
if downloadonly:
# close DBs, unlock
# This is kind of a hack and does nothing in non-Fedora versions,
# we'll fix it one way or anther soon.
if (hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size') and
len(remote_pkgs) > 1):
beg_download = time.time()
i = 0
local_size = 0
done_repos = set()
for po in remote_pkgs:
# Recheck if the file is there, works around a couple of weird
# edge cases.
local = po.localPkg()
i += 1
if os.path.exists(local):
if self.verifyPkg(local, po, False):
self.verbose_logger.debug(_("using local copy of %s") %(po,))
remote_size -= po.size
if hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size'):
if os.path.getsize(local) >= po.size:
checkfunc = (self.verifyPkg, (po, 1), {})
dirstat = os.statvfs(po.repo.pkgdir)
if (dirstat.f_bavail * dirstat.f_bsize) <= long(po.size):
adderror(po, _('Insufficient space in download directory %s\n'
" * free %s\n"
" * needed %s") %
format_number(dirstat.f_bavail * dirstat.f_bsize),
if i == 1 and not local_size and remote_size == po.size:
text = os.path.basename(po.relativepath)
text = '(%s/%s): %s' % (i, len(remote_pkgs),
mylocal = po.repo.getPackage(po,
cache=po.repo.http_caching != 'none',
local_size += po.size
if hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size'):
# Don't check this atm. as it kills C-c.
if False and po.repoid not in done_repos:
# Check a single package per. repo. ... to give a hint to
# the user on big downloads.
result, errmsg = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
if result != 0:
self.verbose_logger.warn("%s", errmsg)
except Errors.RepoError, e:
adderror(po, exception2msg(e))
po.localpath = mylocal
if po in errors:
del errors[po]
if hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size'):
if callback_total is not None and not errors:
callback_total(remote_pkgs, remote_size, beg_download)
if downloadonly:
for po in remote_pkgs:
rpmfile = po.localpath.rsplit('.', 2)[0]
if po in errors:
# we may throw away partial file here- but we don't lock,
# so can't rename tempfile to rpmfile safely
if po not in errors:
# verifyPkg() didn't complain, so (potentially)
# overwriting another copy should not be a problem
os.rename(po.localpath, rpmfile)
po.localpath = rpmfile
# XXX: Run unlocked? Skip this for now..
self.plugins.run('postdownload', pkglist=pkglist, errors=errors)
# Close curl object after we've downloaded everything.
if hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, 'reset_curl_obj'):
if downloadonly and not errors: # caller handles errors
self.verbose_logger.info(_('exiting because --downloadonly specified'))
return errors
def verifyHeader(self, fo, po, raiseError):
"""check the header out via it's naevr, internally"""
if type(fo) is types.InstanceType:
fo = fo.filename
hlist = rpm.readHeaderListFromFile(fo)
hdr = hlist[0]
except (rpm.error, IndexError):
if raiseError:
raise URLGrabError(-1, _('Header is not complete.'))
return 0
yip = YumInstalledPackage(hdr) # we're using YumInstalledPackage b/c
# it takes headers <shrug>
if yip.pkgtup != po.pkgtup:
if raiseError:
raise URLGrabError(-1, 'Header does not match intended download')
return 0
return 1
def downloadHeader(self, po):
"""download a header from a package object.
output based on callback, raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError on problems"""
if hasattr(po, 'pkgtype') and po.pkgtype == 'local':
errors = {}
local = po.localHdr()
repo = self.repos.getRepo(po.repoid)
if os.path.exists(local):
result = self.verifyHeader(local, po, raiseError=1)
except URLGrabError, e:
# might add a check for length of file - if it is <
# required doing a reget
po.hdrpath = local
if self.conf.cache:
raise Errors.RepoError, \
_('Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s') % po.hdrpath
if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.downloadHeader(po.name)
if not os.path.exists(repo.hdrdir):
checkfunc = (self.verifyHeader, (po, 1), {})
hdrpath = repo.getHeader(po, checkfunc=checkfunc,
cache=repo.http_caching != 'none',
except Errors.RepoError, e:
saved_repo_error = e
except OSError, e:
raise Errors.RepoError, saved_repo_error
raise Errors.RepoError, saved_repo_error
po.hdrpath = hdrpath
def sigCheckPkg(self, po):
Take a package object and attempt to verify GPG signature if required
Returns (result, error_string) where result is:
- 0 - GPG signature verifies ok or verification is not required.
- 1 - GPG verification failed but installation of the right GPG key
might help.
- 2 - Fatal GPG verification error, give up.
if self._override_sigchecks:
check = False
hasgpgkey = 0
elif hasattr(po, 'pkgtype') and po.pkgtype == 'local':
check = self.conf.localpkg_gpgcheck
hasgpgkey = 0
repo = self.repos.getRepo(po.repoid)
check = repo.gpgcheck
hasgpgkey = not not repo.gpgkey
if check:
ts = self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS()
sigresult = rpmUtils.miscutils.checkSig(ts, po.localPkg())
localfn = os.path.basename(po.localPkg())
if sigresult == 0:
result = 0
msg = ''
elif sigresult == 1:
if hasgpgkey:
result = 1
result = 2
msg = _('Public key for %s is not installed') % localfn
elif sigresult == 2:
result = 2
msg = _('Problem opening package %s') % localfn
elif sigresult == 3:
if hasgpgkey:
result = 1
result = 2
result = 1
msg = _('Public key for %s is not trusted') % localfn
elif sigresult == 4:
result = 2
msg = _('Package %s is not signed') % localfn
result =0
msg = ''
return result, msg
def cleanUsedHeadersPackages(self):
filelist = []
for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
if txmbr.po.state not in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
if txmbr.po.repoid == "installed":
if txmbr.po.repoid not in self.repos.repos:
# make sure it's not a local file
repo = self.repos.repos[txmbr.po.repoid]
local = False
for u in repo.baseurl:
if u.startswith("file:"):
local = True
if local:
txmbr.po.xattr_origin_url # Load this, before we rm the file.
filelist.extend([txmbr.po.localPkg(), txmbr.po.localHdr()])
# now remove them
for fn in filelist:
if not os.path.exists(fn):
except OSError, e:
self.logger.warning(_('Cannot remove %s'), fn)
_('%s removed'), fn)
def cleanHeaders(self):
exts = ['hdr']
return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'hdrdir', 'header')
def cleanPackages(self):
exts = ['rpm']
return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'pkgdir', 'package')
def cleanSqlite(self):
exts = ['sqlite', 'sqlite.bz2', 'sqlite-journal']
return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'cachedir', 'sqlite')
def cleanMetadata(self):
exts = ['xml.gz', 'xml', 'cachecookie', 'mirrorlist.txt', 'asc']
# Metalink is also here, but is a *.xml file
return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'cachedir', 'metadata')
def cleanExpireCache(self):
exts = ['cachecookie', 'mirrorlist.txt']
return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'cachedir', 'metadata')
def cleanRpmDB(self):
cachedir = self.conf.persistdir + "/rpmdb-indexes/"
if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
filelist = []
filelist = misc.getFileList(cachedir, '', [])
return self._cleanFilelist('rpmdb', filelist)
def _cleanFiles(self, exts, pathattr, filetype):
filelist = []
for ext in exts:
for repo in self.repos.listEnabled():
path = getattr(repo, pathattr)
if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path):
filelist = misc.getFileList(path, ext, filelist)
return self._cleanFilelist(filetype, filelist)
def _cleanFilelist(self, filetype, filelist):
removed = 0
for item in filelist:
except OSError, e:
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot remove %s file %s'), filetype, item)
_('%s file %s removed'), filetype, item)
msg = _('%d %s files removed') % (removed, filetype)
return 0, [msg]
def doPackageLists(self, pkgnarrow='all', patterns=None, showdups=None,
"""generates lists of packages, un-reduced, based on pkgnarrow option"""
if showdups is None:
showdups = self.conf.showdupesfromrepos
ygh = misc.GenericHolder(iter=pkgnarrow)
installed = []
available = []
reinstall_available = []
old_available = []
updates = []
obsoletes = []
obsoletesTuples = []
recent = []
extras = []
ic = ignore_case
# list all packages - those installed and available, don't 'think about it'
if pkgnarrow == 'all':
dinst = {}
ndinst = {} # Newest versions by name.arch
for po in self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
dinst[po.pkgtup] = po
if showdups:
key = (po.name, po.arch)
if key not in ndinst or po.verGT(ndinst[key]):
ndinst[key] = po
installed = dinst.values()
if showdups:
avail = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
avail = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
except Errors.PackageSackError:
avail = []
for pkg in avail:
if showdups:
if pkg.pkgtup in dinst:
key = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
if pkg.pkgtup in dinst:
elif key not in ndinst or pkg.verGT(ndinst[key]):
# produce the updates list of tuples
elif pkgnarrow == 'updates':
for (n,a,e,v,r) in self.up.getUpdatesList():
matches = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=n, arch=a, epoch=e,
ver=v, rel=r)
if len(matches) > 1:
_('More than one identical match in sack for %s'),
elif len(matches) == 1:
_('Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update'), n,a,e,v,r)
if patterns:
exactmatch, matched, unmatched = \
parsePackages(updates, patterns, casematch=not ignore_case)
updates = exactmatch + matched
# installed only
elif pkgnarrow == 'installed':
installed = self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
# available in a repository
elif pkgnarrow == 'available':
if showdups:
avail = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
avail = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
except Errors.PackageSackError:
avail = []
for pkg in avail:
if showdups:
if self.rpmdb.contains(po=pkg):
ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(pkg.name, arch=pkg.arch)
if ipkgs:
latest = sorted(ipkgs, reverse=True)[0]
if not ipkgs or pkg.verGT(latest):
elif pkg.verEQ(latest):
# not in a repo but installed
elif pkgnarrow == 'extras':
# we must compare the installed set versus the repo set
# anything installed but not in a repo is an extra
avail = self.pkgSack.simplePkgList(patterns=patterns,
avail = set(avail)
for po in self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
if po.pkgtup not in avail:
# obsoleting packages (and what they obsolete)
elif pkgnarrow == 'obsoletes':
self.conf.obsoletes = 1
for (pkgtup, instTup) in self.up.getObsoletesTuples():
(n,a,e,v,r) = pkgtup
pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=n, arch=a, ver=v, rel=r, epoch=e)
instpo = self.getInstalledPackageObject(instTup)
if len(pkgs) > 1:
_('More than one identical match in sack for %s'),
if len(pkgs) >= 1:
obsoletesTuples.append((pkgs[0], instpo))
if patterns:
exactmatch, matched, unmatched = \
parsePackages(obsoletes, patterns, casematch=not ignore_case)
obsoletes = exactmatch + matched
matched_obsoletes = set(obsoletes)
nobsoletesTuples = []
for po, instpo in obsoletesTuples:
if po not in matched_obsoletes:
nobsoletesTuples.append((po, instpo))
obsoletesTuples = nobsoletesTuples
if not showdups:
obsoletes = packagesNewestByName(obsoletes)
filt = set(obsoletes)
nobsoletesTuples = []
for po, instpo in obsoletesTuples:
if po not in filt:
nobsoletesTuples.append((po, instpo))
obsoletesTuples = nobsoletesTuples
# packages recently added to the repositories
elif pkgnarrow == 'recent':
now = time.time()
recentlimit = now-(self.conf.recent*86400)
if showdups:
avail = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
avail = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
except Errors.PackageSackError:
avail = []
for po in avail:
if int(po.filetime) > recentlimit:
ygh.installed = installed
ygh.available = available
ygh.reinstall_available = reinstall_available
ygh.old_available = old_available
ygh.updates = updates
ygh.obsoletes = obsoletes
ygh.obsoletesTuples = obsoletesTuples
ygh.recent = recent
ygh.extras = extras
return ygh
def findDeps(self, pkgs):
Return the dependencies for a given package object list, as well
possible solutions for those dependencies.
Returns the deps as a dict of dicts::
packageobject = [reqs] = [list of satisfying pkgs]
results = {}
for pkg in pkgs:
results[pkg] = {}
reqs = pkg.requires
pkgresults = results[pkg] # shorthand so we don't have to do the
# double bracket thing
for req in reqs:
(r,f,v) = req
if r.startswith('rpmlib('):
satisfiers = []
for po in self.whatProvides(r, f, v):
pkgresults[req] = satisfiers
return results
# pre 3.2.10 API used to always showdups, so that's the default atm.
def searchGenerator(self, fields, criteria, showdups=True, keys=False,
searchtags=True, searchrpmdb=True):
"""Generator method to lighten memory load for some searches.
This is the preferred search function to use. Setting keys to True
will use the search keys that matched in the sorting, and return
the search keys in the results. """
sql_fields = []
for f in fields:
sql_fields.append(RPM_TO_SQLITE.get(f, f))
# yield the results in order of most terms matched first
sorted_lists = {} # count_of_matches = [(pkgobj,
# [search strings which matched],
# [results that matched])]
tmpres = []
real_crit = []
real_crit_lower = [] # Take the s.lower()'s out of the loop
rcl2c = {}
# weigh terms in given order (earlier = more relevant)
critweight = 0
critweights = {}
for s in criteria:
rcl2c[s.lower()] = s
critweights.setdefault(s, critweight)
critweight -= 1
for sack in self.pkgSack.sacks.values():
tmpres.extend(sack.searchPrimaryFieldsMultipleStrings(sql_fields, real_crit))
def results2sorted_lists(tmpres, sorted_lists):
for (po, count) in tmpres:
# check the pkg for sanity
# pop it into the sorted lists
tmpkeys = set()
tmpvalues = []
if count not in sorted_lists: sorted_lists[count] = []
for s in real_crit_lower:
for field in fields:
value = to_unicode(getattr(po, field))
if value and value.lower().find(s) != -1:
if len(tmpvalues) > 0:
sorted_lists[count].append((po, tmpkeys, tmpvalues))
results2sorted_lists(tmpres, sorted_lists)
if searchrpmdb:
tmpres = self.rpmdb.searchPrimaryFieldsMultipleStrings(fields,
# close our rpmdb connection so we can ctrl-c, kthxbai
results2sorted_lists(tmpres, sorted_lists)
del tmpres
results_by_pkg = {} # pkg=[list_of_tuples_of_values]
if searchtags:
tmpres = self.searchPackageTags(real_crit_lower)
for pkg in tmpres:
count = 0
matchkeys = []
tagresults = []
for (match, taglist) in tmpres[pkg]:
count += len(taglist)
if pkg not in results_by_pkg:
results_by_pkg[pkg] = []
results_by_pkg[pkg].append((matchkeys, tagresults))
del tmpres
if sorted_lists.values():
# do the ones we already have
for item in sorted_lists.values():
for pkg, k, v in item:
if pkg not in results_by_pkg:
results_by_pkg[pkg] = []
# take our existing dict-by-pkg and make the dict-by-count for
# this bizarro sorted_lists format
# FIXME - stab sorted_lists in the chest at some later date
sorted_lists = {}
for pkg in results_by_pkg:
totkeys = []
totvals = []
for (k, v) in results_by_pkg[pkg]:
totkeys = misc.unique(totkeys)
totvals = misc.unique(totvals)
count = len(totkeys)
if count not in sorted_lists:
sorted_lists[count] = []
sorted_lists[count].append((pkg, totkeys, totvals))
# By default just sort using package sorting
sort_func = operator.itemgetter(0)
if keys:
# Take into account the keys found, their original order,
# and number of fields hit as well
sort_func = lambda x: (-sum((critweights[y] for y in x[1])),
"\0".join(sorted(x[1])), -len(x[2]), x[0])
yielded = {}
for val in reversed(sorted(sorted_lists)):
for (po, ks, vs) in sorted(sorted_lists[val], key=sort_func):
if not showdups and (po.name, po.arch) in yielded:
if keys:
yield (po, ks, vs)
yield (po, vs)
if not showdups:
yielded[(po.name, po.arch)] = 1
def searchPackageTags(self, criteria):
results = {} # name = [(criteria, taglist)]
for c in criteria:
c = c.lower()
res = self.pkgtags.search_tags(c)
for (name, taglist) in res.items():
pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=name)
if not pkgs:
pkg = pkgs[0]
if pkg not in results:
results[pkg] = []
results[pkg].append((c, taglist))
return results
def searchPackages(self, fields, criteria, callback=None):
"""Search specified fields for matches to criteria
optional callback specified to print out results
as you go. Callback is a simple function of:
callback(po, matched values list). It will
just return a dict of dict[po]=matched values list"""
warnings.warn(_('searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum.\
Use searchGenerator() instead. \n'),
Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
matches = {}
match_gen = self.searchGenerator(fields, criteria)
for (po, matched_strings) in match_gen:
if callback:
callback(po, matched_strings)
if po not in matches:
matches[po] = []
return matches
def searchPackageProvides(self, args, callback=None,
def _arg_data(arg):
if not misc.re_glob(arg):
isglob = False
canBeFile = arg.startswith('/')
isglob = True
canBeFile = misc.re_filename(arg)
return isglob, canBeFile
matches = {}
for arg in args:
arg = to_unicode(arg)
isglob, canBeFile = _arg_data(arg)
if not isglob:
usedDepString = True
where = self.returnPackagesByDep(arg)
usedDepString = False
where = self.pkgSack.searchAll(arg, False)
_('Searching %d packages'), len(where))
for po in where:
_('searching package %s'), po)
tmpvalues = []
if usedDepString:
if not isglob and canBeFile:
# then it is not a globbed file we have matched it precisely
if isglob and canBeFile:
_('searching in file entries'))
for thisfile in po.dirlist + po.filelist + po.ghostlist:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(thisfile, arg):
_('searching in provides entries'))
for (p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r)) in po.provides:
prov = misc.prco_tuple_to_string((p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r)))
if not usedDepString:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(p_name, arg) or fnmatch.fnmatch(prov, arg):
if len(tmpvalues) > 0:
if callback: # No matchfor, on globs
if not isglob and callback_has_matchfor:
callback(po, tmpvalues, args)
callback(po, tmpvalues)
matches[po] = tmpvalues
# installed rpms, too
taglist = ['filelist', 'dirnames', 'provides_names']
taglist_provonly = ['provides_names']
for arg in args:
isglob, canBeFile = _arg_data(arg)
if not isglob:
where = self.returnInstalledPackagesByDep(arg)
usedDepString = True
for po in where:
tmpvalues = []
msg = _('Provides-match: %s') % to_unicode(arg)
if len(tmpvalues) > 0:
if callback:
if callback_has_matchfor:
callback(po, tmpvalues, args)
callback(po, tmpvalues)
matches[po] = tmpvalues
usedDepString = False
where = self.rpmdb
if canBeFile:
arg_taglist = taglist
arg_taglist = taglist_provonly
arg_regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(arg))
for po in where:
searchlist = []
tmpvalues = []
for tag in arg_taglist:
tagdata = getattr(po, tag)
if tagdata is None:
if type(tagdata) is types.ListType:
for item in searchlist:
if arg_regex.match(item):
if len(tmpvalues) > 0:
if callback: # No matchfor, on globs
callback(po, tmpvalues)
matches[po] = tmpvalues
return matches
def doGroupLists(self, uservisible=0, patterns=None, ignore_case=True):
"""returns two lists of groups, installed groups and available groups
optional 'uservisible' bool to tell it whether or not to return
only groups marked as uservisible"""
installed = []
available = []
if self.comps.compscount == 0:
raise Errors.GroupsError, _('No group data available for configured repositories')
if patterns is None:
grps = self.comps.groups
grps = self.comps.return_groups(",".join(patterns),
case_sensitive=not ignore_case)
for grp in grps:
if grp.installed:
if uservisible:
if grp.user_visible:
if uservisible:
if grp.user_visible:
return sorted(installed), sorted(available)
def groupRemove(self, grpid):
"""mark all the packages in this group to be removed"""
txmbrs_used = []
thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
if not thesegroups:
raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
for thisgroup in thesegroups:
thisgroup.toremove = True
pkgs = thisgroup.packages
for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
txmbrs = self.remove(name=pkg, silence_warnings=True)
for txmbr in txmbrs:
return txmbrs_used
def groupUnremove(self, grpid):
"""unmark any packages in the group from being removed"""
thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
if not thesegroups:
raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
for thisgroup in thesegroups:
thisgroup.toremove = False
pkgs = thisgroup.packages
for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
if txmbr.po.name == pkg and txmbr.po.state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
except ValueError:
_("package %s was not marked in group %s"), txmbr.po,
# if there aren't any other groups mentioned then remove the pkg
if len(txmbr.groups) == 0:
def selectGroup(self, grpid, group_package_types=[], enable_group_conditionals=None):
"""mark all the packages in the group to be installed
returns a list of transaction members it added to the transaction
Optionally take:
group_package_types=List - overrides self.conf.group_package_types
enable_group_conditionals=Bool - overrides self.conf.enable_group_conditionals
if not self.comps.has_group(grpid):
raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
txmbrs_used = []
thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
if not thesegroups:
raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
package_types = self.conf.group_package_types
if group_package_types:
package_types = group_package_types
for thisgroup in thesegroups:
if thisgroup.selected:
thisgroup.selected = True
pkgs = []
if 'mandatory' in package_types:
if 'default' in package_types:
if 'optional' in package_types:
old_txmbrs = len(txmbrs_used)
for pkg in pkgs:
_('Adding package %s from group %s'), pkg, thisgroup.groupid)
txmbrs = self.install(name = pkg)
except Errors.InstallError, e:
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('No package named %s available to be installed'),
for txmbr in txmbrs:
group_conditionals = self.conf.enable_group_conditionals
if enable_group_conditionals is not None: # has to be this way so we can set it to False
group_conditionals = enable_group_conditionals
count_cond_test = 0
if group_conditionals:
for condreq, cond in thisgroup.conditional_packages.iteritems():
if self.isPackageInstalled(cond):
txmbrs = self.install(name = condreq)
except Errors.InstallError:
# we don't care if the package doesn't exist
if cond not in self.tsInfo.conditionals:
for txmbr in txmbrs:
# Otherwise we hook into tsInfo.add to make sure
# we'll catch it if it's added later in this transaction
pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=condreq)
if pkgs:
if self.arch.multilib:
if self.conf.multilib_policy == 'best':
use = []
best = self.arch.legit_multi_arches
for pkg in pkgs:
if pkg.arch in best:
pkgs = use
pkgs = packagesNewestByName(pkgs)
count_cond_test += len(pkgs)
if cond not in self.tsInfo.conditionals:
self.tsInfo.conditionals[cond] = []
if len(txmbrs_used) == old_txmbrs:
self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Group %s does not have any packages.'), thisgroup.groupid)
if count_cond_test:
self.logger.critical(_('Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed.'), count_cond_test)
return txmbrs_used
def deselectGroup(self, grpid, force=False):
""" Without the force option set, this removes packages from being
installed that were added as part of installing one of the
group(s). If the force option is set, then all installing packages
in the group(s) are force removed from the transaction. """
if not self.comps.has_group(grpid):
raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
if not thesegroups:
raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
for thisgroup in thesegroups:
thisgroup.selected = False
for pkgname in thisgroup.packages:
txmbrs = self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(None,TS_INSTALL_STATES)
for txmbr in txmbrs:
if txmbr.po.name != pkgname:
if not force:
except ValueError:
_("package %s was not marked in group %s"), txmbr.po,
# If the pkg isn't part of any group, or the group is
# being forced out ... then remove the pkg
if force or len(txmbr.groups) == 0:
for pkg in self.tsInfo.conditionals.get(txmbr.name, []):
def getPackageObject(self, pkgtup, allow_missing=False):
"""retrieves a packageObject from a pkgtuple - if we need
to pick and choose which one is best we better call out
to some method from here to pick the best pkgobj if there are
more than one response - right now it's more rudimentary."""
# look it up in the self.localPackages first:
for po in self.localPackages:
if po.pkgtup == pkgtup:
return po
pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)
if len(pkgs) == 0:
if allow_missing: # This can happen due to excludes after .up has
return None # happened.
raise Errors.DepError, _('Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack') % str(pkgtup)
if len(pkgs) > 1: # boy it'd be nice to do something smarter here FIXME
result = pkgs[0]
result = pkgs[0] # which should be the only
# this is where we could do something to figure out which repository
# is the best one to pull from
return result
def getInstalledPackageObject(self, pkgtup):
""" Returns a YumInstalledPackage object for the pkgtup specified, or
raises an exception. You should use this instead of
searchPkgTuple() if you are assuming there is a value. """
pkgs = self.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)
if len(pkgs) == 0:
raise Errors.RpmDBError, _('Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb') % str(pkgtup)
# Dito. FIXME from getPackageObject() for len() > 1 ... :)
po = pkgs[0] # take the first one
return po
def gpgKeyCheck(self):
"""checks for the presence of gpg keys in the rpmdb
returns 0 if no keys returns 1 if keys"""
gpgkeyschecked = self.conf.cachedir + '/.gpgkeyschecked.yum'
if os.path.exists(gpgkeyschecked):
return 1
myts = rpmUtils.transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction(root=self.conf.installroot)
idx = myts.dbMatch('name', 'gpg-pubkey')
keys = idx.count()
del idx
del myts
if keys == 0:
return 0
mydir = os.path.dirname(gpgkeyschecked)
if not os.path.exists(mydir):
fo = open(gpgkeyschecked, 'w')
del fo
return 1
def returnPackagesByDep(self, depstring):
"""Pass in a generic [build]require string and this function will
pass back the packages it finds providing that dep."""
if not depstring:
return []
# parse the string out
# either it is 'dep (some operator) e:v-r'
# or /file/dep
# or packagename
if type(depstring) == types.TupleType:
(depname, depflags, depver) = depstring
depname = depstring
depflags = None
depver = None
if depstring[0] != '/':
# not a file dep - look at it for being versioned
dep_split = depstring.split()
if len(dep_split) == 3:
depname, flagsymbol, depver = dep_split
if not flagsymbol in SYMBOLFLAGS:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('Invalid version flag from: %s') % str(depstring)
depflags = SYMBOLFLAGS[flagsymbol]
if depflags is None: # This does wildcards...
return self.pkgSack.searchProvides(depstring)
# This does flags+versions, but no wildcards...
return self.pkgSack.getProvides(depname, depflags, depver).keys()
def returnPackageByDep(self, depstring):
"""Pass in a generic [build]require string and this function will
pass back the best(or first) package it finds providing that dep."""
# we get all sorts of randomness here
errstring = depstring
if type(depstring) not in types.StringTypes:
errstring = str(depstring)
pkglist = self.returnPackagesByDep(depstring)
except Errors.YumBaseError:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('No Package found for %s') % errstring
ps = ListPackageSack(pkglist)
result = self._bestPackageFromList(ps.returnNewestByNameArch(),
if result is None:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('No Package found for %s') % errstring
return result
def returnInstalledPackagesByDep(self, depstring):
"""Pass in a generic [build]require string and this function will
pass back the installed packages it finds providing that dep."""
if not depstring:
return []
# parse the string out
# either it is 'dep (some operator) e:v-r'
# or /file/dep
# or packagename
if type(depstring) == types.TupleType:
(depname, depflags, depver) = depstring
depname = depstring
depflags = None
depver = None
if depstring[0] != '/':
# not a file dep - look at it for being versioned
dep_split = depstring.split()
if len(dep_split) == 3:
depname, flagsymbol, depver = dep_split
if not flagsymbol in SYMBOLFLAGS:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('Invalid version flag from: %s') % str(depstring)
depflags = SYMBOLFLAGS[flagsymbol]
if depflags is None: # This does wildcards...
return self.rpmdb.searchProvides(depstring)
# This does flags+versions, but no wildcards...
return self.rpmdb.getProvides(depname, depflags, depver).keys()
def _bestPackageFromList(self, pkglist, req=None):
"""take list of package objects and return the best package object.
If the list is empty, return None.
Note: this is not aware of multilib so make sure you're only
passing it packages of a single arch group.
:param pkglist: the list of packages to return the best
packages from
:param req: the requirement from the user
:return: a list of the best packages from *pkglist*
if len(pkglist) == 0:
return None
if len(pkglist) == 1:
return pkglist[0]
bestlist = self._compare_providers(pkglist, reqpo=None, req=req)
return bestlist[0][0]
def bestPackagesFromList(self, pkglist, arch=None, single_name=False,
"""Takes a list of packages, returns the best packages.
This function is multilib aware so that it will not compare
multilib to singlelib packages"""
returnlist = []
compatArchList = self.arch.get_arch_list(arch)
multiLib = []
singleLib = []
noarch = []
for po in pkglist:
if po.arch not in compatArchList:
elif po.arch in ("noarch"):
elif isMultiLibArch(arch=po.arch):
# we now have three lists. find the best package(s) of each
multi = self._bestPackageFromList(multiLib, req=req)
single = self._bestPackageFromList(singleLib, req=req)
no = self._bestPackageFromList(noarch, req=req)
if single_name and multi and single and multi.name != single.name:
# Sinlge _must_ match multi, if we want a single package name
single = None
# now, to figure out which arches we actually want
# if there aren't noarch packages, it's easy. multi + single
if no is None:
if multi: returnlist.append(multi)
if single: returnlist.append(single)
# if there's a noarch and it's newer than the multilib, we want
# just the noarch. otherwise, we want multi + single
elif multi:
best = self._bestPackageFromList([multi,no], req=req)
if best.arch == "noarch":
if multi: returnlist.append(multi)
if single: returnlist.append(single)
# similar for the non-multilib case
elif single:
best = self._bestPackageFromList([single,no], req=req)
if best.arch == "noarch":
# if there's not a multi or single lib, then we want the noarch
return returnlist
# FIXME: This doesn't really work, as it assumes one obsoleter for each pkg
# when we can have:
# 1 pkg obsoleted by multiple pkgs _and_
# 1 pkg obsoleting multiple pkgs
# ...and we need to detect loops, and get the arches "right" and do this
# for chains. Atm. I hate obsoletes, and I can't get it to work better,
# easily ... so screw it, don't create huge chains of obsoletes with some
# loops in there too ... or I'll have to hurt you.
def _pkg2obspkg(self, po):
""" Given a package return the package it's obsoleted by and so
we should install instead. Or None if there isn't one. """
if self._up is not None:
thispkgobsdict = self.up.checkForObsolete([po.pkgtup])
# This is pretty hacky, but saves a huge amount of time for small
# ops.
if not self.conf.obsoletes:
return None
if not hasattr(self, '_up_obs_hack'):
obs_init = time.time()
up = rpmUtils.updates.Updates([], [])
up.rawobsoletes = self.pkgSack.returnObsoletes(newest=True)
self.verbose_logger.debug('Obs Init time: %0.3f' % (time.time()
- obs_init))
self._up_obs_hack = up
thispkgobsdict = self._up_obs_hack.checkForObsolete([po.pkgtup])
if po.pkgtup in thispkgobsdict:
obsoleting = thispkgobsdict[po.pkgtup]
oobsoleting = []
# We want to keep the arch. of the obsoleted pkg. if possible.
for opkgtup in obsoleting:
if not canCoinstall(po.arch, opkgtup[1]):
if oobsoleting:
obsoleting = oobsoleting
if len(obsoleting) > 1:
# Pick the first name, and run with it...
first = obsoleting[0]
obsoleting = [pkgtup for pkgtup in obsoleting
if first[0] == pkgtup[0]]
if len(obsoleting) > 1:
# Lock to the latest version...
def _sort_ver(x, y):
n1,a1,e1,v1,r1 = x
n2,a2,e2,v2,r2 = y
return compareEVR((e1,v1,r1), (e2,v2,r2))
first = obsoleting[0]
obsoleting = [pkgtup for pkgtup in obsoleting
if not _sort_ver(first, pkgtup)]
if len(obsoleting) > 1:
# Now do arch distance (see depsolve:compare_providers)...
def _sort_arch_i(carch, a1, a2):
res1 = archDifference(carch, a1)
if not res1:
return 0
res2 = archDifference(carch, a2)
if not res2:
return 0
return res1 - res2
def _sort_arch(x, y):
n1,a1,e1,v1,r1 = x
n2,a2,e2,v2,r2 = y
ret = _sort_arch_i(po.arch, a1, a2)
if ret:
return ret
ret = _sort_arch_i(self.arch.bestarch, a1, a2)
return ret
for pkgtup in obsoleting:
pkg = self.getPackageObject(pkgtup, allow_missing=True)
if pkg is not None:
return pkg
return None
return None
def _test_loop(self, node, next_func):
""" Generic comp. sci. test for looping, walk the list with two pointers
moving one twice as fast as the other. If they are ever == you have
a loop. If loop we return None, if no loop the last element. """
slow = node
done = False
while True:
next = next_func(node)
if next is None and not done: return None
if next is None: return node
node = next_func(next)
if node is None: return next
done = True
slow = next_func(slow)
if next == slow:
return None
def _at_groupinstall(self, pattern):
" Do groupinstall via. leading @ on the cmd line, for install/update."
assert pattern[0] == '@'
group_string = pattern[1:]
tx_return = []
found = False
for group in self.comps.return_groups(group_string):
found = True
txmbrs = self.selectGroup(group.groupid)
if not found:
raise Errors.GroupInstallError, _('Warning: Group %s does not exist.') % group_string
return tx_return
def _at_groupremove(self, pattern):
" Do groupremove via. leading @ on the cmd line, for remove."
assert pattern[0] == '@'
group_string = pattern[1:]
tx_return = []
txmbrs = self.groupRemove(group_string)
except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
self.logger.critical(_('No group named %s exists'), group_string)
return tx_return
# Note that this returns available pkgs, and not txmbrs like the other
# _at_group* functions.
def _at_groupdowngrade(self, pattern):
" Do downgrade of a group via. leading @ on the cmd line."
assert pattern[0] == '@'
grpid = pattern[1:]
thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
if not thesegroups:
raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
pkgnames = set()
for thisgroup in thesegroups:
return self.pkgSack.searchNames(pkgnames)
def _minus_deselect(self, pattern):
""" Remove things from the transaction, like kickstart. """
assert pattern[0] == '-'
pat = pattern[1:]
if pat and pat[0] == '@':
pat = pat[1:]
return self.deselectGroup(pat)
return self.tsInfo.deselect(pat)
def _find_obsoletees(self, po):
""" Return the pkgs. that are obsoleted by the po we pass in. """
if not self.conf.obsoletes:
if not isinstance(po, YumLocalPackage):
for (obstup, inst_tup) in self.up.getObsoletersTuples(name=po.name):
if po.pkgtup == obstup:
installed_pkg = self.getInstalledPackageObject(inst_tup)
yield installed_pkg
for pkg in self._find_obsoletees_direct(po):
yield pkg
def _find_obsoletees_direct(self, po):
""" Return the pkgs. that are obsoleted by the po we pass in. This works
directly on the package data, for two reasons:
1. Consulting .up. has a slow setup for small/fast ops.
2. We need this work even if obsoletes are turned off, because rpm
will be doing it for us. """
for obs_n in po.obsoletes_names:
for pkg in self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=obs_n):
if pkg.obsoletedBy([po]):
yield pkg
def _add_prob_flags(self, *flags):
""" Add all of the passed flags to the tsInfo.probFilterFlags array. """
for flag in flags:
if flag not in self.tsInfo.probFilterFlags:
def install(self, po=None, **kwargs):
"""try to mark for install the item specified. Uses provided package
object, if available. If not it uses the kwargs and gets the best
packages from the keyword options provided
returns the list of txmbr of the items it installs
pkgs = []
was_pattern = False
if po:
if isinstance(po, YumAvailablePackage) or isinstance(po, YumLocalPackage):
raise Errors.InstallError, _('Package Object was not a package object instance')
if not kwargs:
raise Errors.InstallError, _('Nothing specified to install')
if 'pattern' in kwargs:
if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '-':
return self._minus_deselect(kwargs['pattern'])
if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '@':
return self._at_groupinstall(kwargs['pattern'])
was_pattern = True
pats = [kwargs['pattern']]
mypkgs = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=pats,
# if we have anything left unmatched, let's take a look for it
# being a dep like glibc.so.2 or /foo/bar/baz
if not mypkgs:
arg = kwargs['pattern']
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s'),
mypkgs = self.returnPackagesByDep(arg)
except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
self.logger.critical(_('No Match for argument: %s') % to_unicode(arg))
# install MTA* == fail, because provides don't do globs
# install /usr/kerberos/bin/* == success (and we want
# all of the pkgs)
if mypkgs and not misc.re_glob(arg):
mypkgs = self.bestPackagesFromList(mypkgs,
if mypkgs:
nevra_dict = self._nevra_kwarg_parse(kwargs)
pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=nevra_dict['name'],
epoch=nevra_dict['epoch'], arch=nevra_dict['arch'],
ver=nevra_dict['version'], rel=nevra_dict['release'])
if pkgs:
# if was_pattern or nevra-dict['arch'] is none, take the list
# of arches based on our multilib_compat config and
# toss out any pkgs of any arch NOT in that arch list
# only do these things if we're multilib
if self.arch.multilib:
if was_pattern or not nevra_dict['arch']: # and only if they
# they didn't specify an arch
if self.conf.multilib_policy == 'best':
pkgs_by_name = {}
use = []
not_added = []
best = self.arch.legit_multi_arches
for pkg in pkgs:
if pkg.arch in best:
pkgs_by_name[pkg.name] = 1
for pkg in not_added:
if not pkg.name in pkgs_by_name:
pkgs = use
pkgs = packagesNewestByName(pkgs)
pkgbyname = {}
for pkg in pkgs:
if pkg.name not in pkgbyname:
pkgbyname[pkg.name] = [ pkg ]
lst = []
for pkgs in pkgbyname.values():
pkgs = lst
if not pkgs:
# Do we still want to return errors here?
# We don't in the cases below, so I didn't here...
if 'pattern' in kwargs:
pkgs = self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=[kwargs['pattern']],
if 'name' in kwargs:
pkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=kwargs['name'])
if 'pkgtup' in kwargs:
pkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=kwargs['pkgtup'][0])
# Warning here does "weird" things when doing:
# yum --disablerepo='*' install '*'
# etc. ... see RHBZ#480402
if False:
for pkg in pkgs:
self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s installed and not available'), pkg)
if pkgs:
return []
raise Errors.InstallError, _('No package(s) available to install')
# FIXME - lots more checking here
# - install instead of erase
# - better error handling/reporting
tx_return = []
for po in pkgs:
if self.tsInfo.exists(pkgtup=po.pkgtup):
if self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(po.pkgtup, TS_INSTALL_STATES):
_('Package: %s - already in transaction set'), po)
# make sure this shouldn't be passed to update:
if (self.rpmdb.searchNames([po.name]) and
po.pkgtup in self.up.updating_dict):
txmbrs = self.update(po=po)
# Make sure we're not installing a package which is obsoleted by
# something else in the repo. Unless there is a obsoletion loop,
# at which point ignore everything.
obsoleting_pkg = None
if self.conf.obsoletes:
obsoleting_pkg = self._test_loop(po, self._pkg2obspkg)
if obsoleting_pkg is not None:
# this is not a definitive check but it'll make sure we don't
# pull in foo.i586 when foo.x86_64 already obsoletes the pkg and
# is already installed
already_obs = None
pkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=obsoleting_pkg.name)
pkgs = po.obsoletedBy(pkgs, limit=1)
if pkgs:
already_obs = pkgs[0]
if already_obs:
self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed'),
po, already_obs)
if 'provides_for' in kwargs:
if not obsoleting_pkg.provides_for(kwargs['provides_for']):
self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for requirements'),
po.name, obsoleting_pkg.name)
self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead'),
po.name, obsoleting_pkg.name, obsoleting_pkg)
# make sure it's not already installed
if self.rpmdb.contains(po=po):
if not self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(po.pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES):
self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s already installed and latest version'), po)
# make sure we don't have a name.arch of this already installed
# if so pass it to update b/c it should be able to figure it out
# if self.rpmdb.contains(name=po.name, arch=po.arch) and not self.allowedMultipleInstalls(po):
if not self.allowedMultipleInstalls(po):
found = True
for ipkg in self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=po.name, arch=po.arch):
found = False
if self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(ipkg.pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES):
found = True
if not found:
self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update.'), po)
txmbrs = self.update(po=po)
# at this point we are going to mark the pkg to be installed, make sure
# it's not an older package that is allowed in due to multiple installs
# or some other oddity. If it is - then modify the problem filter to cope
for ipkg in self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=po.name, arch=po.arch):
if ipkg.verEQ(po):
# Yum needs the remove to happen before we allow the
# install of the same version. But rpm doesn't like that
# as it then has an install which removes the old version
# and a remove, which also tries to remove the old version.
for ipkg in self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=po.name):
if ipkg.verGT(po) and not canCoinstall(ipkg.arch, po.arch):
# it doesn't obsolete anything. If it does, mark that in the tsInfo, too
obs_pkgs = list(self._find_obsoletees_direct(po))
if obs_pkgs:
for obsoletee in obs_pkgs:
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addObsoleting(po, obsoletee)
self.tsInfo.addObsoleted(obsoletee, po)
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addInstall(po)
return tx_return
def _check_new_update_provides(self, opkg, npkg):
""" Check for any difference in the provides of the old and new update
that is needed by the transaction. If so we "update" those pkgs
too, to the latest version. """
oprovs = set(opkg.returnPrco('provides'))
nprovs = set(npkg.returnPrco('provides'))
tx_return = []
for prov in oprovs.difference(nprovs):
reqs = self.tsInfo.getRequires(*prov)
for pkg in reqs:
for req in reqs[pkg]:
if not npkg.inPrcoRange('provides', req):
naTup = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
for pkg in self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(naTup):
return tx_return
def _newer_update_in_trans(self, pkgtup, available_pkg, tx_return):
""" We return True if there is a newer package already in the
transaction. If there is an older one, we remove it (and update any
deps. that aren't satisfied by the newer pkg) and return False so
we'll update to this newer pkg. """
found = False
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(pkgtup, [TS_UPDATED]):
count = 0
for po in txmbr.updated_by:
if available_pkg.verLE(po):
count += 1
for ntxmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(po.pkgtup):
txs = self._check_new_update_provides(ntxmbr.po,
if count:
found = True
return found
def _add_up_txmbr(self, requiringPo, upkg, ipkg):
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addUpdate(upkg, ipkg)
if requiringPo:
if ('reason' in ipkg.yumdb_info and ipkg.yumdb_info.reason == 'dep'):
txmbr.reason = 'dep'
return txmbr
def update(self, po=None, requiringPo=None, update_to=False, **kwargs):
"""try to mark for update the item(s) specified.
po is a package object - if that is there, mark it for update,
if possible
else use **kwargs to match the package needing update
if nothing is specified at all then attempt to update everything
returns the list of txmbr of the items it marked for update"""
# check for args - if no po nor kwargs, do them all
# if po, do it, ignore all else
# if no po do kwargs
# uninstalled pkgs called for update get returned with errors in a list, maybe?
tx_return = []
if not po and not kwargs: # update everything (the easy case)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Updating Everything'))
updates = self.up.getUpdatesTuples()
if self.conf.obsoletes:
obsoletes = self.up.getObsoletesTuples(newest=1)
obsoletes = []
for (obsoleting, installed) in obsoletes:
obsoleting_pkg = self.getPackageObject(obsoleting,
if obsoleting_pkg is None:
topkg = self._test_loop(obsoleting_pkg, self._pkg2obspkg)
if topkg is not None:
obsoleting_pkg = topkg
installed_pkg = self.getInstalledPackageObject(installed)
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addObsoleting(obsoleting_pkg, installed_pkg)
self.tsInfo.addObsoleted(installed_pkg, obsoleting_pkg)
if requiringPo:
for (new, old) in updates:
if self.tsInfo.isObsoleted(pkgtup=old):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s') %
new = self.getPackageObject(new, allow_missing=True)
if new is None:
return tx_return
# complications
# the user has given us something - either a package object to be
# added to the transaction as an update or they've given us a pattern
# of some kind
instpkgs = []
availpkgs = []
if po: # just a po
if po.repoid == 'installed':
elif 'pattern' in kwargs:
if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '-':
return self._minus_deselect(kwargs['pattern'])
if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '@':
return self._at_groupinstall(kwargs['pattern'])
arg = kwargs['pattern']
if not update_to:
instpkgs = self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=[arg])
availpkgs = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=[arg])
if not instpkgs and not availpkgs:
depmatches = []
if update_to:
depmatches = self.returnPackagesByDep(arg)
depmatches = self.returnInstalledPackagesByDep(arg)
except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
self.logger.critical(_('%s') % e)
if update_to:
# Always look for available packages, it doesn't seem to do any
# harm (apart from some time). And it fixes weird edge cases where
# "update a" (which requires a new b) is different from "update b"
if update_to:
m = []
pats = [kwargs['pattern']]
# pats += list(set([pkg.name for pkg in instpkgs]))
m = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=pats)
except Errors.PackageSackError:
m = []
if not availpkgs and not instpkgs:
self.logger.critical(_('No Match for argument: %s') % to_unicode(arg))
else: # we have kwargs, sort them out.
nevra_dict = self._nevra_kwarg_parse(kwargs)
instpkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=nevra_dict['name'],
epoch=nevra_dict['epoch'], arch=nevra_dict['arch'],
ver=nevra_dict['version'], rel=nevra_dict['release'])
if not instpkgs:
availpkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=nevra_dict['name'],
epoch=nevra_dict['epoch'], arch=nevra_dict['arch'],
ver=nevra_dict['version'], rel=nevra_dict['release'])
if len(availpkgs) > 1:
availpkgs = self._compare_providers(availpkgs, requiringPo)
availpkgs = map(lambda x: x[0], availpkgs)
elif not availpkgs:
self.logger.warning(_("No package matched to upgrade: %s"), self._ui_nevra_dict(nevra_dict))
# for any thing specified
# get the list of available pkgs matching it (or take the po)
# get the list of installed pkgs matching it (or take the po)
# go through each list and look for:
# things obsoleting it if it is an installed pkg
# things it updates if it is an available pkg
# things updating it if it is an installed pkg
# in that order
# all along checking to make sure we:
# don't update something that's already been obsoleted
# don't update something that's already been updated
# if there are more than one package that matches an update from
# a pattern/kwarg then:
# if it is a valid update and we'
# TODO: we should search the updates and obsoletes list and
# mark the package being updated or obsoleted away appropriately
# and the package relationship in the tsInfo
# check for obsoletes first
if self.conf.obsoletes:
for installed_pkg in instpkgs:
obs_tups = self.up.obsoleted_dict.get(installed_pkg.pkgtup, [])
# This is done so we don't have to returnObsoletes(newest=True)
# It's a minor UI problem for RHEL, but might as well dtrt.
obs_pkgs = []
for pkgtup in obs_tups:
obsoleting_pkg = self.getPackageObject(pkgtup,
if obsoleting_pkg is None:
for obsoleting_pkg in packagesNewestByName(obs_pkgs):
for available_pkg in availpkgs:
for obsoleted_pkg in self._find_obsoletees(available_pkg):
obsoleted = obsoleted_pkg.pkgtup
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addObsoleting(available_pkg, obsoleted_pkg)
if requiringPo:
if self.tsInfo.isObsoleted(obsoleted):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s') % obsoleted)
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addObsoleted(obsoleted_pkg, available_pkg)
for installed_pkg in instpkgs:
for updating in self.up.updatesdict.get(installed_pkg.pkgtup, []):
po = self.getPackageObject(updating, allow_missing=True)
if po is None:
if self.tsInfo.isObsoleted(installed_pkg.pkgtup):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s') %
# at this point we are going to mark the pkg to be installed, make sure
# it doesn't obsolete anything. If it does, mark that in the tsInfo, too
elif po.pkgtup in self.up.getObsoletesList(name=po.name):
for obsoletee in self._find_obsoletees(po):
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addUpdate(po, installed_pkg)
if requiringPo:
self.tsInfo.addObsoleting(po, obsoletee)
self.tsInfo.addObsoleted(obsoletee, po)
if self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(installed_pkg.pkgtup,
txmbr = self._add_up_txmbr(requiringPo, po, installed_pkg)
for available_pkg in availpkgs:
# Make sure we're not installing a package which is obsoleted by
# something else in the repo. Unless there is a obsoletion loop,
# at which point ignore everything.
obsoleting_pkg = self._test_loop(available_pkg, self._pkg2obspkg)
if obsoleting_pkg is not None:
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s'), available_pkg)
for updated in self.up.updating_dict.get(available_pkg.pkgtup, []):
if self.tsInfo.isObsoleted(updated):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s') %
elif self._newer_update_in_trans(updated, available_pkg,
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s') %
updated_pkg = self.getInstalledPackageObject(updated)
if self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(updated,
txmbr = self._add_up_txmbr(requiringPo,
available_pkg, updated_pkg)
# check to see if the pkg we want to install is not _quite_ the newest
# one but still technically an update over what is installed.
pot_updated = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=available_pkg.name, arch=available_pkg.arch)
if pot_updated and self.allowedMultipleInstalls(available_pkg):
# only compare against the newest of what's installed for kernel
pot_updated = sorted(pot_updated)[-1:]
#FIXME - potentially do the comparables thing from what used to
# be in cli.installPkgs() to see what we should be comparing
# it to of what is installed. in the meantime name.arch is
# most likely correct
# this is sorta a fix - but it shouldn't be only for localPackages
# else:
# if available_pkg in self.localPackages:
# # if we got here the potentially updated is not a matching arch
# # and we're goofed up in a localPackage that someone wants to apply for some odd reason
# # so we go for name-only update match and check
# pot_updated = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=available_pkg.name)
for ipkg in pot_updated:
if self.tsInfo.isObsoleted(ipkg.pkgtup):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s') %
elif self._newer_update_in_trans(ipkg.pkgtup, available_pkg,
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s') %
elif ipkg.verLT(available_pkg):
txmbr = self._add_up_txmbr(requiringPo, available_pkg, ipkg)
for txmbr in tx_return:
for i_pkg in self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=txmbr.name):
if i_pkg not in txmbr.updates:
if self._does_this_update(txmbr.po, i_pkg):
self.tsInfo.addUpdated(i_pkg, txmbr.po)
return tx_return
def remove(self, po=None, **kwargs):
"""try to find and mark for remove the specified package(s) -
if po is specified then that package object (if it is installed)
will be marked for removal.
if no po then look at kwargs, if neither then raise an exception"""
if not po and not kwargs:
raise Errors.RemoveError, 'Nothing specified to remove'
tx_return = []
pkgs = []
if po:
pkgs = [po]
if 'pattern' in kwargs:
if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '-':
return self._minus_deselect(kwargs['pattern'])
if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '@':
return self._at_groupremove(kwargs['pattern'])
(e,m,u) = self.rpmdb.matchPackageNames([kwargs['pattern']])
if u:
depmatches = []
arg = u[0]
depmatches = self.returnInstalledPackagesByDep(arg)
except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
self.logger.critical(_('%s') % e)
if not depmatches:
arg = to_unicode(arg)
self.logger.critical(_('No Match for argument: %s') % to_unicode(arg))
nevra_dict = self._nevra_kwarg_parse(kwargs)
pkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=nevra_dict['name'],
epoch=nevra_dict['epoch'], arch=nevra_dict['arch'],
ver=nevra_dict['version'], rel=nevra_dict['release'])
if len(pkgs) == 0:
if not kwargs.get('silence_warnings', False):
self.logger.warning(_("No package matched to remove: %s"), self._ui_nevra_dict(nevra_dict))
ts = self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS()
kern_pkgtup = misc.get_running_kernel_pkgtup(ts)
for po in pkgs:
if self.conf.protected_packages and po.pkgtup == kern_pkgtup:
self.logger.warning(_("Skipping the running kernel: %s") % po)
if self.tsInfo.getMembers(po.pkgtup):
# This allows multiple reinstalls and update/downgrade "cancel"
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(po.name):
self.logger.info(_("Removing %s from the transaction") %
# Now start the remove/reinstall
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addErase(po)
return tx_return
def installLocal(self, pkg, po=None, updateonly=False):
handles installs/updates of rpms provided on the filesystem in a
local dir (ie: not from a repo)
Return the added transaction members.
@param pkg: a path to an rpm file on disk.
@param po: A YumLocalPackage
@param updateonly: Whether or not true installs are valid.
# read in the package into a YumLocalPackage Object
# append it to self.localPackages
# check if it can be installed or updated based on nevra versus rpmdb
# don't import the repos until we absolutely need them for depsolving
tx_return = []
installpkgs = []
updatepkgs = []
donothingpkgs = []
if not po:
po = YumUrlPackage(self, ts=self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS(), url=pkg,
except Errors.MiscError:
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot open: %s. Skipping.'), pkg)
return tx_return
_('Examining %s: %s'), po.localpath, po)
# apparently someone wanted to try to install a drpm as an rpm :(
if po.hdr['payloadformat'] == 'drpm':
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping.'), pkg)
return tx_return
# if by any chance we're a noncompat arch rpm - bail and throw out an error
# FIXME -our archlist should be stored somewhere so we don't have to
# do this: but it's not a config file sort of thing
# FIXME: Should add noarch, yum localinstall works ...
# just rm this method?
if po.arch not in self.arch.archlist:
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s'), pkg, po.arch)
return tx_return
if self.conf.obsoletes:
obsoleters = po.obsoletedBy(self.rpmdb.searchObsoletes(po.name))
if obsoleters:
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s'), po, obsoleters[0])
return tx_return
# everything installed that matches the name
installedByKey = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=po.name)
# go through each package
if len(installedByKey) == 0: # nothing installed by that name
if updateonly:
self.logger.warning(_('Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.'), po.name)
return tx_return
for installed_pkg in installedByKey:
if po.verGT(installed_pkg): # we're newer - this is an update, pass to them
if installed_pkg.name in self.conf.exactarchlist:
if po.arch == installed_pkg.arch:
updatepkgs.append((po, installed_pkg))
updatepkgs.append((po, installed_pkg))
elif po.verEQ(installed_pkg):
if (po.arch != installed_pkg.arch and
(isMultiLibArch(po.arch) or
if updateonly:
self.logger.warning(_('Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.'), po.name, po.arch)
elif self.allowedMultipleInstalls(po):
if updateonly:
self.logger.warning(_('Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.'), po.name, po.arch)
# handle excludes for a localinstall
check_pkgs = installpkgs + [x[0] for x in updatepkgs]
if self._is_local_exclude(po, check_pkgs):
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Excluding %s'), po)
return tx_return
for po in installpkgs:
_('Marking %s to be installed'), po.localpath)
for (po, oldpo) in updatepkgs:
_('Marking %s as an update to %s'), po.localpath, oldpo)
txmbrs = self.update(po=po)
for po in donothingpkgs:
_('%s: does not update installed package.'), po.localpath)
# this checks to make sure that any of the to-be-installed pkgs
# does not obsolete something else that's installed
# this doesn't handle the localpkgs obsoleting EACH OTHER or
# anything else in the transaction set, though. That could/should
# be fixed later but a fair bit of that is a pebkac and should be
# said as "don't do that". potential 'fixme'
for txmbr in tx_return:
# We don't want to do this twice, so only bother if the txmbr
# doesn't already obsolete anything.
if txmbr.po.obsoletes and not txmbr.obsoletes:
for obs_pkg in self._find_obsoletees(txmbr.po):
self.tsInfo.addObsoleted(obs_pkg, txmbr.po)
return tx_return
def reinstallLocal(self, pkg, po=None):
handles reinstall of rpms provided on the filesystem in a
local dir (ie: not from a repo)
Return the added transaction members.
@param pkg: a path to an rpm file on disk.
@param po: A YumLocalPackage
if not po:
po = YumUrlPackage(self, ts=self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS(), url=pkg,
except Errors.MiscError:
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot open file: %s. Skipping.'), pkg)
return []
_('Examining %s: %s'), po.localpath, po)
if po.arch not in self.arch.archlist:
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s'), pkg, po.arch)
return []
# handle excludes for a local reinstall
if self._is_local_exclude(po, [po]):
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Excluding %s'), po)
return []
return self.reinstall(po=po)
def reinstall(self, po=None, **kwargs):
"""Setup the problem filters to allow a reinstall to work, then
pass everything off to install"""
tx_mbrs = []
if po: # The po, is the "available" po ... we want the installed po
if not tx_mbrs:
raise Errors.ReinstallRemoveError, _("Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove")
templen = len(tx_mbrs)
# this is a reinstall, so if we can't reinstall exactly what we uninstalled
# then we really shouldn't go on
new_members = []
failed = []
failed_pkgs = []
for item in tx_mbrs[:]:
# Make sure obsoletes processing is off, so we can reinstall()
# pkgs that are obsolete.
old_conf_obs = self.conf.obsoletes
self.conf.obsoletes = False
if isinstance(po, YumLocalPackage):
members = self.install(po=po)
members = self.install(pkgtup=item.pkgtup)
self.conf.obsoletes = old_conf_obs
if len(members) == 0:
if failed and not tx_mbrs:
raise Errors.ReinstallInstallError(_("Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install") % ", ".join(failed), failed_pkgs=failed_pkgs)
return tx_mbrs
def downgradeLocal(self, pkg, po=None):
handles downgrades of rpms provided on the filesystem in a
local dir (ie: not from a repo)
Return the added transaction members.
@param pkg: a path to an rpm file on disk.
@param po: A YumLocalPackage
if not po:
po = YumUrlPackage(self, ts=self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS(), url=pkg,
except Errors.MiscError:
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot open file: %s. Skipping.'), pkg)
return []
_('Examining %s: %s'), po.localpath, po)
if po.arch not in self.arch.archlist:
self.logger.critical(_('Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s'), pkg, po.arch)
return []
# handle excludes for a local downgrade
if self._is_local_exclude(po, [po]):
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Excluding %s'), po)
return []
return self.downgrade(po=po)
def _is_local_exclude(self, po, pkglist):
"""returns True if the local pkg should be excluded"""
if "all" in self.conf.disable_excludes or \
"main" in self.conf.disable_excludes:
return False
toexc = []
if len(self.conf.exclude) > 0:
exactmatch, matched, unmatched = \
parsePackages(pkglist, self.conf.exclude, casematch=1)
toexc = exactmatch + matched
if po in toexc:
return True
return False
def downgrade(self, po=None, **kwargs):
""" Try to downgrade a package. Works like:
% yum shell <<EOL
remove abcd
install abcd-<old-version>
EOL """
if not po and not kwargs:
raise Errors.DowngradeError, 'Nothing specified to downgrade'
doing_group_pkgs = False
if po:
apkgs = [po]
elif 'pattern' in kwargs:
if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '-':
return self._minus_deselect(kwargs['pattern'])
if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '@':
apkgs = self._at_groupdowngrade(kwargs['pattern'])
doing_group_pkgs = True # Don't warn. about some things
apkgs = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=[kwargs['pattern']],
if not apkgs:
arg = kwargs['pattern']
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s'),
apkgs = self.returnPackagesByDep(arg)
except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
self.logger.critical(_('No Match for argument: %s') % to_unicode(arg))
nevra_dict = self._nevra_kwarg_parse(kwargs)
apkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=nevra_dict['name'],
if not apkgs:
# Do we still want to return errors here?
# We don't in the cases below, so I didn't here...
pkgs = []
if 'pattern' in kwargs:
pkgs = self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=[kwargs['pattern']],
if 'name' in kwargs:
pkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=kwargs['name'])
if pkgs:
return []
raise Errors.DowngradeError, _('No package(s) available to downgrade')
warned_nas = set()
# Skip kernel etc.
tapkgs = []
for pkg in apkgs:
if self.allowedMultipleInstalls(pkg):
if (pkg.name, pkg.arch) not in warned_nas:
msg = _("Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping") % pkg
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)
warned_nas.add((pkg.name, pkg.arch))
apkgs = tapkgs
# Find installed versions of "to downgrade pkgs"
apkg_names = set()
for pkg in apkgs:
ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNames(list(apkg_names))
latest_installed_na = {}
latest_installed_n = {}
for pkg in sorted(ipkgs):
if (pkg.name not in latest_installed_n or
latest_installed_n[pkg.name] = [pkg]
elif pkg.verEQ(latest_installed_n[pkg.name][0]):
latest_installed_na[(pkg.name, pkg.arch)] = pkg
# Find "latest downgrade", ie. latest available pkg before
# installed version. Indexed fromn the latest installed pkgtup.
downgrade_apkgs = {}
for pkg in sorted(apkgs):
na = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
# Here we allow downgrades from .i386 => .noarch, or .i586 => .i386
# but not .i386 => .x86_64 (similar to update).
lipkg = None
if na in latest_installed_na:
lipkg = latest_installed_na[na]
elif pkg.name in latest_installed_n:
for tlipkg in latest_installed_n[pkg.name]:
if not canCoinstall(pkg.arch, tlipkg.arch):
lipkg = tlipkg
# Use this so we don't get confused when we have
# different versions with different arches.
na = (pkg.name, lipkg.arch)
if lipkg is None:
if (na not in warned_nas and not doing_group_pkgs and
pkg.name not in latest_installed_n):
msg = _('No Match for available package: %s') % pkg
if pkg.verGE(lipkg):
if na not in warned_nas:
msg = _('Only Upgrade available on package: %s') % pkg
if (lipkg.pkgtup in downgrade_apkgs and
continue # Skip older than "latest downgrade"
downgrade_apkgs[lipkg.pkgtup] = pkg
tx_return = []
for ipkg in ipkgs:
if ipkg.pkgtup not in downgrade_apkgs:
txmbrs = self.tsInfo.addDowngrade(downgrade_apkgs[ipkg.pkgtup],ipkg)
if not txmbrs: # Fail?
return tx_return
def _ui_nevra_dict(nevra_dict):
n = nevra_dict['name']
e = nevra_dict['epoch']
v = nevra_dict['version']
r = nevra_dict['release']
a = nevra_dict['arch']
if e and v and r:
evr = '%s:%s-%s' % (e, v, r)
elif v and r:
evr = '%s-%s' % (v, r)
elif e and v:
evr = '%s:%s' % (e, v)
elif v: # e and r etc. is just too weird to print
evr = v
evr = ''
if n and evr:
return '%s-%s' % (n, evr)
if evr:
return '*-%s' % evr
if n:
return n
return '<unknown>'
def _nevra_kwarg_parse(self, kwargs):
returndict = {}
if 'pkgtup' in kwargs:
(n, a, e, v, r) = kwargs['pkgtup']
returndict['name'] = n
returndict['epoch'] = e
returndict['arch'] = a
returndict['version'] = v
returndict['release'] = r
return returndict
returndict['name'] = kwargs.get('name')
returndict['epoch'] = kwargs.get('epoch')
returndict['arch'] = kwargs.get('arch')
# get them as ver, version and rel, release - if someone
# specifies one of each then that's kinda silly.
returndict['version'] = kwargs.get('version')
if returndict['version'] is None:
returndict['version'] = kwargs.get('ver')
returndict['release'] = kwargs.get('release')
if returndict['release'] is None:
returndict['release'] = kwargs.get('rel')
return returndict
def history_redo(self, transaction):
""" Given a valid historical transaction object, try and repeat
that transaction. """
# NOTE: This is somewhat basic atm. ... see comment in undo.
# Also note that redo doesn't force install Dep-Install packages,
# which is probably what is wanted the majority of the time.
old_conf_obs = self.conf.obsoletes
self.conf.obsoletes = False
done = False
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Reinstall':
if self.reinstall(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Downgrade':
if self.downgrade(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
except yum.Errors.DowngradeError:
self.logger.critical(_('Failed to downgrade: %s'), pkg)
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Update':
if self.update(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
self.logger.critical(_('Failed to upgrade: %s'), pkg)
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state in ('Install', 'True-Install', 'Obsoleting'):
if self.install(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Erase':
if self.remove(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
self.conf.obsoletes = old_conf_obs
return done
def history_undo(self, transaction):
""" Given a valid historical transaction object, try and undo
that transaction. """
# NOTE: This is somewhat basic atm. ... for instance we don't check
# that we are going from the old new version. However it's still
# better than the RHN rollback code, and people pay for that :).
# We turn obsoletes off because we want the specific versions of stuff
# from history ... even if they've been obsoleted since then.
old_conf_obs = self.conf.obsoletes
self.conf.obsoletes = False
done = False
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Reinstall':
if self.reinstall(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Updated':
if self.downgrade(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
except yum.Errors.DowngradeError:
self.logger.critical(_('Failed to downgrade: %s'), pkg)
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Downgraded':
if self.update(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
self.logger.critical(_('Failed to upgrade: %s'), pkg)
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Obsoleting':
# Note that obsoleting can mean anything, so if this is part of
# something else, it should be done by now (so do nothing).
if self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkg.pkgtup):
# If not it should be an install/obsolete ... so remove it.
if self.remove(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state in ('Dep-Install', 'Install', 'True-Install'):
if self.remove(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Obsoleted':
if self.install(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
if pkg.state == 'Erase':
if self.install(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
done = True
self.conf.obsoletes = old_conf_obs
return done
def _retrievePublicKey(self, keyurl, repo=None, getSig=True):
Retrieve a key file
@param keyurl: url to the key to retrieve
Returns a list of dicts with all the keyinfo
key_installed = False
msg = _('Retrieving key from %s') % keyurl
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)
# Go get the GPG key from the given URL
url = misc.to_utf8(keyurl)
if repo is None:
opts = {'limit':9999}
text = 'global/gpgkey'
# If we have a repo. use the proxy etc. configuration for it.
# In theory we have a global proxy config. too, but meh...
# external callers should just update.
opts = repo._default_grabopts()
text = repo.id + '/gpgkey'
rawkey = urlgrabber.urlread(url, **opts)
except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
raise Errors.YumBaseError(_('GPG key retrieval failed: ') +
# check for a .asc file accompanying it - that's our gpg sig on the key
# suck it down and do the check
sigfile = None
valid_sig = False
if getSig and repo and repo.gpgcakey:
self.getCAKeyForRepo(repo, callback=repo.confirm_func)
url = misc.to_utf8(keyurl + '.asc')
opts = repo._default_grabopts()
text = repo.id + '/gpgkeysig'
sigfile = urlgrabber.urlopen(url, **opts)
except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
sigfile = None
if sigfile:
if not misc.valid_detached_sig(sigfile,
StringIO.StringIO(rawkey), repo.gpgcadir):
#if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
# here is where we would do that
raise Errors.YumBaseError(_('GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s') % (url, repo.id))
msg = _('GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)')
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)
valid_sig = True
# Parse the key
keys_info = misc.getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey, multiple=True)
except ValueError, e:
raise Errors.YumBaseError(_('Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s') %
(url, to_unicode(str(e))))
keys = []
for keyinfo in keys_info:
thiskey = {}
for info in ('keyid', 'timestamp', 'userid',
'fingerprint', 'raw_key'):
if info not in keyinfo:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
_('GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s') + info
thiskey[info] = keyinfo[info]
thiskey['hexkeyid'] = misc.keyIdToRPMVer(keyinfo['keyid']).upper()
thiskey['valid_sig'] = valid_sig
thiskey['has_sig'] = bool(sigfile)
return keys
def _getKeyImportMessage(self, info, keyurl, keytype='GPG'):
msg = None
if keyurl.startswith("file:"):
fname = keyurl[len("file:"):]
pkgs = self.rpmdb.searchFiles(fname)
if pkgs:
pkgs = sorted(pkgs)[-1]
msg = (_('Importing %s key 0x%s:\n'
' Userid : %s\n'
' Package: %s (%s)\n'
' From : %s') %
(keytype, info['hexkeyid'], to_unicode(info['userid']),
pkgs, pkgs.ui_from_repo,
if msg is None:
msg = (_('Importing %s key 0x%s:\n'
' Userid: "%s"\n'
' From : %s') %
(keytype, info['hexkeyid'], to_unicode(info['userid']),
self.logger.critical("%s", msg)
def getKeyForPackage(self, po, askcb = None, fullaskcb = None):
Retrieve a key for a package. If needed, prompt for if the key should
be imported using askcb.
@param po: Package object to retrieve the key of.
@param askcb: Callback function to use for asking for permission to
import a key. This is verification, but also "choice".
Takes arguments of the po, the userid for the key, and
the keyid.
@param fullaskcb: Callback function to use for asking for permission to
import a key. This is verification, but also "choice".
Differs from askcb in that it gets passed a
dictionary so that we can expand the values passed.
repo = self.repos.getRepo(po.repoid)
keyurls = repo.gpgkey
key_installed = False
user_cb_fail = False
for keyurl in keyurls:
keys = self._retrievePublicKey(keyurl, repo)
for info in keys:
ts = self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS()
# Check if key is already installed
if misc.keyInstalled(ts, info['keyid'], info['timestamp']) >= 0:
self.logger.info(_('GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed') % (
keyurl, info['hexkeyid']))
if repo.gpgcakey and info['has_sig'] and info['valid_sig']:
key_installed = True
# Try installing/updating GPG key
self._getKeyImportMessage(info, keyurl)
rc = False
if self.conf.assumeno:
rc = False
elif self.conf.assumeyes:
rc = True
# grab the .sig/.asc for the keyurl, if it exists
# if it does check the signature on the key
# if it is signed by one of our ca-keys for this repo or the global one
# then rc = True
# else ask as normal.
elif fullaskcb:
rc = fullaskcb({"po": po, "userid": info['userid'],
"hexkeyid": info['hexkeyid'],
"keyurl": keyurl,
"fingerprint": info['fingerprint'],
"timestamp": info['timestamp']})
elif askcb:
rc = askcb(po, info['userid'], info['hexkeyid'])
if not rc:
user_cb_fail = True
# Import the key
ts = self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS()
result = ts.pgpImportPubkey(misc.procgpgkey(info['raw_key']))
if result != 0:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
_('Key import failed (code %d)') % result
self.logger.info(_('Key imported successfully'))
key_installed = True
if not key_installed and user_cb_fail:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, _("Didn't install any keys")
if not key_installed:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
_('The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are ' \
'already installed but they are not correct for this ' \
'package.\n' \
'Check that the correct key URLs are configured for ' \
'this repository.') % (repo.name)
# Check if the newly installed keys helped
result, errmsg = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
if result != 0:
self.logger.info(_("Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"))
raise Errors.YumBaseError, errmsg
def _getAnyKeyForRepo(self, repo, destdir, keyurl_list, is_cakey=False, callback=None):
Retrieve a key for a repository If needed, prompt for if the key should
be imported using callback
@param repo: Repository object to retrieve the key of.
@param destdir: destination of the gpg pub ring
@param keyurl_list: list of urls for gpg keys
@param is_cakey: bool - are we pulling in a ca key or not
@param callback: Callback function to use for asking for permission to
import a key. This is verification, but also "choice".
Takes a dictionary of key info.
key_installed = False
user_cb_fail = False
for keyurl in keyurl_list:
keys = self._retrievePublicKey(keyurl, repo, getSig=not is_cakey)
for info in keys:
# Check if key is already installed
if hex(int(info['keyid']))[2:-1].upper() in misc.return_keyids_from_pubring(destdir):
self.logger.info(_('GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported') % (
keyurl, info['hexkeyid']))
key_installed = True
# Try installing/updating GPG key
if is_cakey:
# know where the 'imported_cakeys' file is
ikf = repo.base_persistdir + '/imported_cakeys'
keytype = 'CA'
cakeys = []
cakeys_d = open(ikf, 'r').read()
cakeys = cakeys_d.split('\n')
except (IOError, OSError):
if str(info['hexkeyid']) in cakeys:
key_installed = True
keytype = 'GPG'
if repo.gpgcakey and info['has_sig'] and info['valid_sig']:
key_installed = True
if not key_installed:
self._getKeyImportMessage(info, keyurl, keytype)
rc = False
if self.conf.assumeno:
rc = False
elif self.conf.assumeyes:
rc = True
elif callback:
rc = callback({"repo": repo, "userid": info['userid'],
"hexkeyid": info['hexkeyid'], "keyurl": keyurl,
"fingerprint": info['fingerprint'],
"timestamp": info['timestamp']})
if not rc:
user_cb_fail = True
# Import the key
result = misc.import_key_to_pubring(info['raw_key'], info['hexkeyid'], gpgdir=destdir)
if not result:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('Key import failed')
self.logger.info(_('Key imported successfully'))
key_installed = True
# write out the key id to imported_cakeys in the repos basedir
if is_cakey and key_installed:
if info['hexkeyid'] not in cakeys:
ikfo = open(ikf, 'a')
except (IOError, OSError):
# maybe a warning - but in general this is not-critical, just annoying to the user
if not key_installed and user_cb_fail:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, _("Didn't install any keys for repo %s") % repo
if not key_installed:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
_('The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are ' \
'already installed but they are not correct.\n' \
'Check that the correct key URLs are configured for ' \
'this repository.') % (repo.name)
def getKeyForRepo(self, repo, callback=None):
Retrieve a key for a repository If needed, prompt for if the key should
be imported using callback
@param repo: Repository object to retrieve the key of.
@param callback: Callback function to use for asking for verification
of a key. Takes a dictionary of key info.
self._getAnyKeyForRepo(repo, repo.gpgdir, repo.gpgkey, is_cakey=False, callback=callback)
def getCAKeyForRepo(self, repo, callback=None):
Retrieve a key for a repository If needed, prompt for if the key should
be imported using callback
@param repo: Repository object to retrieve the key of.
@param callback: Callback function to use for asking for verification
of a key. Takes a dictionary of key info.
self._getAnyKeyForRepo(repo, repo.gpgcadir, repo.gpgcakey, is_cakey=True, callback=callback)
def _limit_installonly_pkgs(self):
""" Limit packages based on conf.installonly_limit, if any of the
packages being installed have a provide in conf.installonlypkgs.
New in 3.2.24: Obey yumdb_info.installonly data. """
def _sort_and_filter_installonly(pkgs):
""" Allow the admin to specify some overrides fo installonly pkgs.
using the yumdb. """
ret_beg = []
ret_mid = []
ret_end = []
for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
if 'installonly' not in pkg.yumdb_info:
if pkg.yumdb_info.installonly == 'keep':
if True: # Don't to magic sorting, yet
if pkg.yumdb_info.installonly == 'remove-first':
elif pkg.yumdb_info.installonly == 'remove-last':
return ret_beg + ret_mid + ret_end
if self.conf.installonly_limit < 1 :
toremove = []
# We "probably" want to use either self.ts or self.rpmdb.ts if either
# is available. However each ts takes a ref. on signals generally, and
# SIGINT specifically, so we _must_ have got rid of all of the used tses
# before we try downloading. This is called from buildTransaction()
# so self.rpmdb.ts should be valid.
ts = self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS()
(cur_kernel_v, cur_kernel_r) = misc.get_running_kernel_version_release(ts)
install_only_names = set(self.conf.installonlypkgs)
found = {}
for m in self.tsInfo.getMembers():
if m.ts_state not in ('i', 'u'):
if m.reinstall:
po_names = set([m.name] + m.po.provides_names)
if not po_names.intersection(install_only_names):
if m.name not in found:
found[m.name] = 1
found[m.name] += 1
for name in found:
installed = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=name)
installed = _sort_and_filter_installonly(installed)
total = len(installed) + found[name]
if total <= self.conf.installonly_limit:
continue # Not adding enough to trigger.
# Number left to try and remove...
numleft = total - self.conf.installonly_limit
for po in installed:
if (po.version, po.release) == (cur_kernel_v, cur_kernel_r):
# don't remove running
if numleft == 0:
numleft -= 1
for po,rel in toremove:
txmbr = self.tsInfo.addErase(po)
# Add a dep relation to the new version of the package, causing this one to be erased
# this way skipbroken, should clean out the old one, if the new one is skipped
def processTransaction(self, callback=None,rpmTestDisplay=None, rpmDisplay=None):
Process the current Transaction
- Download Packages
- Check GPG Signatures.
- Run Test RPM Transaction
- Run RPM Transaction
callback.event method is called at start/end of each process.
@param callback: callback object (must have an event method)
@param rpmTestDisplay: Name of display class to use in RPM Test Transaction
@param rpmDisplay: Name of display class to use in RPM Transaction
if not callback:
callback = callbacks.ProcessTransNoOutputCallback()
# Download Packages
pkgs = self._downloadPackages(callback)
# Check Package Signatures
if pkgs != None:
# Run Test Transaction
# Run Transaction
def _downloadPackages(self,callback):
''' Download the need packages in the Transaction '''
# This can be overloaded by a subclass.
dlpkgs = map(lambda x: x.po, filter(lambda txmbr:
txmbr.ts_state in ("i", "u"),
# Check if there is something to do
if len(dlpkgs) == 0:
return None
# make callback with packages to download
probs = self.downloadPkgs(dlpkgs)
except IndexError:
raise Errors.YumBaseError, [_("Unable to find a suitable mirror.")]
if len(probs) > 0:
errstr = [_("Errors were encountered while downloading packages.")]
for key in probs:
errors = misc.unique(probs[key])
for error in errors:
errstr.append("%s: %s" % (key, error))
raise Errors.YumDownloadError, errstr
return dlpkgs
def _checkSignatures(self,pkgs,callback):
''' The the signatures of the downloaded packages '''
# This can be overloaded by a subclass.
for po in pkgs:
result, errmsg = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
if result == 0:
# Verified ok, or verify not req'd
elif result == 1:
self.getKeyForPackage(po, self._askForGPGKeyImport)
raise Errors.YumGPGCheckError, errmsg
return 0
def _askForGPGKeyImport(self, po, userid, hexkeyid):
Ask for GPGKeyImport
This need to be overloaded in a subclass to make GPG Key import work
return False
def _doTestTransaction(self,callback,display=None):
''' Do the RPM test transaction '''
# This can be overloaded by a subclass.
if self.conf.rpm_check_debug:
_('Running rpm_check_debug'))
msgs = self._run_rpm_check_debug()
if msgs:
rpmlib_only = True
for msg in msgs:
if msg.startswith('rpmlib('):
rpmlib_only = False
if rpmlib_only:
retmsgs = [_("ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:")]
raise Errors.YumRPMCheckError, retmsgs
retmsgs = [_('ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:')]
retmsgs.append(_('Please report this error at %s')
% self.conf.bugtracker_url)
raise Errors.YumRPMCheckError,retmsgs
tsConf = {}
for feature in ['diskspacecheck']: # more to come, I'm sure
tsConf[feature] = getattr( self.conf, feature )
testcb = RPMTransaction(self, test=True)
# overwrite the default display class
if display:
testcb.display = display
# clean out the ts b/c we have to give it new paths to the rpms
del self.ts
# save our dsCallback out
dscb = self.dsCallback
self.dsCallback = None # dumb, dumb dumb dumb!
self.populateTs( keepold=0 ) # sigh
tserrors = self.ts.test( testcb, conf=tsConf )
del testcb
if len( tserrors ) > 0:
errstring = _('Test Transaction Errors: ')
for descr in tserrors:
errstring += ' %s\n' % descr
raise Errors.YumTestTransactionError, errstring
del self.ts
# put back our depcheck callback
self.dsCallback = dscb
def _doTransaction(self,callback,display=None):
''' do the RPM Transaction '''
# This can be overloaded by a subclass.
self.initActionTs() # make a new, blank ts to populate
self.populateTs( keepold=0 ) # populate the ts
self.ts.check() # required for ordering
self.ts.order() # order
cb = RPMTransaction(self,display=SimpleCliCallBack)
# overwrite the default display class
if display:
cb.display = display
self.runTransaction( cb=cb )
def _run_rpm_check_debug(self):
results = []
# save our dsCallback out
dscb = self.dsCallback
self.dsCallback = None # dumb, dumb dumb dumb!
for prob in self.ts.problems():
# Newer rpm (4.8.0+) has problem objects, older have just strings.
# Should probably move to using the new objects, when we can. For
# now just be compatible.
self.dsCallback = dscb
return results
def add_enable_repo(self, repoid, baseurls=[], mirrorlist=None, **kwargs):
"""add and enable a repo with just a baseurl/mirrorlist and repoid
requires repoid and at least one of baseurl and mirrorlist
additional optional kwargs are:
variable_convert=bool (defaults to true)
and any other attribute settable to the normal repo setup
ex: metadata_expire, enable_groups, gpgcheck, cachedir, etc
returns the repo object it added"""
# out of place fixme - maybe we should make this the default repo addition
# routine and use it from getReposFromConfigFile(), etc.
newrepo = yumRepo.YumRepository(repoid)
newrepo.name = repoid
newrepo.basecachedir = self.conf.cachedir
var_convert = kwargs.get('variable_convert', True)
if baseurls:
replaced = []
if var_convert:
for baseurl in baseurls:
if baseurl:
replaced.append(varReplace(baseurl, self.conf.yumvar))
replaced = baseurls
newrepo.baseurl = replaced
if mirrorlist:
if var_convert:
mirrorlist = varReplace(mirrorlist, self.conf.yumvar)
newrepo.mirrorlist = mirrorlist
# setup the repo
# some reasonable defaults, (imo)
newrepo.enablegroups = True
newrepo.metadata_expire = 0
newrepo.gpgcheck = self.conf.gpgcheck
newrepo.repo_gpgcheck = self.conf.repo_gpgcheck
newrepo.basecachedir = self.conf.cachedir
newrepo.base_persistdir = self.conf._repos_persistdir
for key in kwargs.keys():
if not hasattr(newrepo, key): continue # skip the ones which aren't vars
setattr(newrepo, key, kwargs[key])
# add the new repo
# enable the main repo
return newrepo
def setCacheDir(self, force=False, tmpdir=None, reuse=True,
''' Set a new cache dir, using misc.getCacheDir() and var. replace
on suffix. '''
if not force and os.geteuid() == 0:
return True # We are root, not forced, so happy with the global dir.
if tmpdir is None:
tmpdir = os.getenv('TMPDIR')
if tmpdir is None: # Note that TMPDIR isn't exported by default :(
tmpdir = '/var/tmp'
cachedir = misc.getCacheDir(tmpdir, reuse)
except (IOError, OSError), e:
self.logger.critical(_('Could not set cachedir: %s') % str(e))
cachedir = None
if cachedir is None:
return False # Tried, but failed, to get a "user" cachedir
cachedir += varReplace(suffix, self.conf.yumvar)
if hasattr(self, 'prerepoconf'):
self.prerepoconf.cachedir = cachedir
self._old_cachedir = self.conf.cachedir
self.conf.cachedir = cachedir
return True # We got a new cache dir
def _does_this_update(self, pkg1, pkg2):
"""returns True if pkg1 can update pkg2, False if not.
This only checks if it can be an update it does not check if
it is obsoleting or anything else."""
if pkg1.name != pkg2.name:
return False
if pkg1.verLE(pkg2):
return False
if pkg1.arch not in self.arch.archlist:
return False
if rpmUtils.arch.canCoinstall(pkg1.arch, pkg2.arch):
return False
if self.allowedMultipleInstalls(pkg1):
return False
return True
def _store_config_in_history(self):
self.history.write_addon_data('config-main', self.conf.dump())
myrepos = ''
for repo in self.repos.listEnabled():
myrepos += repo.dump()
myrepos += '\n'
self.history.write_addon_data('config-repos', myrepos)
def verify_plugins_cb(self, verify_package):
""" Callback to call a plugin hook for pkg.verify(). """
self.plugins.run('verify_package', verify_package=verify_package)
return verify_package
def save_ts(self, filename=None, auto=False):
"""saves out a transaction to .yumtx file to be loaded later"""
if self.tsInfo._unresolvedMembers:
if auto:
self.logger.critical(_("Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."))
raise Errors.YumBaseError(_("Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."))
if not filename:
prefix = 'yum_save_tx-%s' % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M')
fd,filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.yumtx', prefix=prefix)
f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
f = open(filename, 'w')
self._ts_save_file = filename
msg = "%s\n" % self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
msg += "%s\n" % self.ts.getTsFlags()
if self.tsInfo._pkgSack is None: # Transactions have pkgSack?
msg += "0\n"
msg += "%s\n" % len(self.repos.listEnabled())
for r in self.repos.listEnabled():
msg += "%s:%s:%s\n" % (r.id, len(r.sack), r.repoXML.revision)
msg += "%s\n" % len(self.tsInfo.getMembers())
for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers():
msg += txmbr._dump()
except (IOError, OSError), e:
self._ts_save_file = None
if auto:
self.logger.critical(_("Could not save transaction file %s: %s") % (filename, str(e)))
raise Errors.YumBaseError(_("Could not save transaction file %s: %s") % (filename, str(e)))
def load_ts(self, filename, ignorerpm=None, ignoremissing=None):
"""loads a transaction from a .yumtx file"""
# check rpmversion - if not match throw a fit
# check repoversions (and repos)- if not match throw a fit
# load each txmbr - if pkgs being updated don't exist, bail w/error
# setup any ts flags
# setup cmds for history/yumdb to know about
# return txmbrs loaded
data = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
except (IOError, OSError), e:
raise Errors.YumBaseError(_("Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s") % (filename, str(e)))
if ignorerpm is None:
ignorerpm = self.conf.loadts_ignorerpm
if ignoremissing is None:
ignoremissing = self.conf.loadts_ignoremissing
# data format
# 0 == rpmdb version
# 1 == tsflags
# 2 == numrepos
# 3:numrepos = repos
# 3+numrepos = num pkgs
# 3+numrepos+1 -> EOF= txmembers
if data[0] == 'saved_tx:\n':
# Old versions of yum would put "saved_tx:" at the begining and
# two blank lines at the end when you used:
# "yum -q history addon-info saved_tx".
if data[-1] == 'history addon-info\n':
# Might as well also DTRT if they hand removed the plugins line
data = data[1:-3]
data = data[1:-2]
# rpm db ver
rpmv = data[0].strip()
if rpmv != str(self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]):
msg = _("rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, ")
if ignorerpm:
msg += _(" ignoring, as requested.")
msg += _(" aborting.")
raise Errors.YumBaseError(msg)
# tsflags
# FIXME - probably should let other tsflags play nicely together
# so someone can add --nogpgcheck or --nodocs or --nodiskspace or some nonsense and have it work
tsflags = int(data[1].strip())
except (ValueError, IndexError), e:
msg = _("cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer.")
raise Errors.YumBaseError(msg)
# repos
numrepos = int(data[2].strip())
repos = []
for r in data[3:rindex]:
# pkgs/txmbrs
numpkgs = int(data[rindex].strip())
pkgstart = rindex + 1
pkgcount = 0
pkgprob = False
curpkg = None
for l in data[pkgstart:]:
l = l.rstrip()
# our main txmbrs
if l.startswith('mbr:'):
if curpkg:
if curpkg in self.tsInfo._unresolvedMembers and not missingany:
missingany = False
pkgtup, current_state = l.split(':')[1].strip().split(' ')
current_state = int(current_state.strip())
pkgtup = tuple(pkgtup.strip().split(','))
if current_state == TS_INSTALL:
po = self.getInstalledPackageObject(pkgtup)
elif current_state == TS_AVAILABLE:
po = self.getPackageObject(pkgtup)
msg = _("Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s" % current_state)
raise Errors.YumBaseError(msg)
except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
missingany = True
msg = _("Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s" % (str(pkgtup), current_state))
if not ignoremissing:
raise Errors.YumBaseError(msg)
pkgcount += 1
curpkg = transactioninfo.TransactionMember(po)
curpkg.current_state = current_state
l = l.strip()
k,v = l.split(':', 1)
v = v.lstrip()
# attributes of our txmbrs
if k in ('isDep', 'reinstall'):
v = v.strip().lower()
if v == 'false':
setattr(curpkg, k, False)
elif v == 'true':
setattr(curpkg, k, True)
elif k in ('output_state'):
setattr(curpkg, k, int(v.strip()))
elif k in ('groups'):
curpkg.groups.extend(v.split(' '))
# the relationships to our main txmbrs
elif k in ('updated_by', 'obsoleted_by', 'downgraded_by',
'downgrades', 'updates', 'obsoletes', 'depends_on'):
for pkgspec in v.strip().split(' '):
pkgtup, origin = pkgspec.split('@')
if origin == 'i':
po = self.getInstalledPackageObject(tuple(pkgtup.split(',')))
po = self.getPackageObject(tuple(pkgtup.split(',')))
except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
msg = _("Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s" % (str(pkgtup), origin))
missingany = True
curlist = getattr(curpkg, k)
setattr(curpkg, k, curlist)
elif k in ('relatedto'):
for item in v.split(' '):
pkgspec, rel = item.split(':')
pkgtup,origin = pkgspec.split('@')
if origin == 'i':
po = self.getInstalledPackageObject(tuple(pkgtup.split(',')))
po = self.getPackageObject(tuple(pkgtup.split(',')))
except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
msg = _("Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s" % (str(pkgtup), origin))
missingany = True
curlist = getattr(curpkg, k)
setattr(curpkg, k, curlist)
# the plain strings
else: #ts_state, reason
setattr(curpkg, k, v.strip())
if missingany:
pkgprob = True
# make sure we get the last one in!
if curpkg in self.tsInfo._unresolvedMembers:
if numpkgs != pkgcount:
pkgprob = True
if pkgprob:
msg = _("Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,")
if ignoremissing:
msg += _(" ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!")
msg += _(" aborting.")
raise Errors.YumBaseError(msg)
return self.tsInfo.getMembers()
def _remove_old_deps(self):
"""take the set of pkgs being removed and remove any pkgs which are:
1. not required anymore
2. marked as a 'dep' in the 'reason' in the yumdb. """
found_leaves = set()
checked = set()
beingremoved = [ t.po for t in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(output_states=TS_REMOVE_STATES) ]
for pkg in beingremoved: # for each package required by the pkg being removed
#print 'removal: %s' % pkg.name
for required in pkg.required_packages():
#if required in checked:
# continue # if we've already checked it, skip it.
if required.yumdb_info.get('reason', '') != 'dep': # if the required pkg is not a dep, then skip it
if required in beingremoved:
still_needed = False
for requiring in required.requiring_packages(): # so we have required deps - look at all the pkgs which require them
if requiring == required: # if they are self-requiring skip them
if requiring not in beingremoved: # if the requiring pkg is not in the list of pkgs being removed then it is still needed
still_needed = True
# go through the stuff in the ts to be installed - make sure none of that needs the required pkg, either.
for (provn,provf,provevr) in required.provides:
if self.tsInfo.getNewRequires(provn, provf, provevr).keys():
still_needed = True
for fn in required.filelist + required.dirlist:
if self.tsInfo.getNewRequires(fn, None,(None,None,None)).keys():
still_needed = True
#for tbi_pkg in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(output_states=TS_INSTALL_STATES):
# for reqtuple in tbi_pkg.po.requires:
# if required.provides_for(reqtuple):
# still_needed = True
# break
if not still_needed:
print '---> Marking %s to be removed - no longer needed by %s' % (required.name, pkg.name)
txmbrs = self.remove(po=required)
for txmbr in txmbrs:
if txmbr.po not in beingremoved:
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, "Found and removing %s unneeded dependencies" % len(found_leaves))
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