#! /usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2005 Duke University
import types
import sys
from constants import *
from Errors import CompsException
#FIXME - compsexception isn't caught ANYWHERE so it's pointless to raise it
# switch all compsexceptions to grouperrors after api break
import fnmatch
import re
from yum.i18n import to_unicode
from misc import get_my_lang_code
from yum.misc import cElementTree_iterparse as iterparse
lang_attr = '{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang'
def parse_boolean(strng):
return BOOLEAN_STATES.get(strng.lower(), False)
def parse_number(strng):
return int(strng)
class CompsObj(object):
""" Group/Category helper object. """
# Could be the same as ui_name?
def __str__(self):
""" Return the "name" of the object for the C locale. """
return self.name
def ui_name(self):
""" Return the "name" of the object for the current locale. """
return self.nameByLang(get_my_lang_code())
def ui_description(self):
""" Return the "description" of the object for the current locale. """
return self.descriptionByLang(get_my_lang_code())
def __cmp__(self, other):
if other is None:
return 1
if self.display_order > other.display_order:
return 1
if self.display_order < other.display_order:
return -1
return cmp(self.ui_name, other.ui_name)
def _expand_languages(self, lang):
import gettext
languages = [lang]
if 'C' not in languages:
# now normalize and expand the languages
nelangs = []
for lang in languages:
for nelang in gettext._expand_lang(lang):
if nelang not in nelangs:
return nelangs
def nameByLang(self, lang):
for langcode in self._expand_languages(lang):
if langcode in self.translated_name:
return to_unicode(self.translated_name[langcode])
return to_unicode(self.name)
def descriptionByLang(self, lang):
for langcode in self._expand_languages(lang):
if langcode in self.translated_description:
return to_unicode(self.translated_description[langcode])
return to_unicode(self.description)
class Group(CompsObj):
""" Group object parsed from group data in each repo. and merged. """
def __init__(self, elem=None):
self.user_visible = True
self.default = False
self.selected = False
self.name = ""
self.description = ""
self.translated_name = {}
self.translated_description = {}
self.mandatory_packages = {}
self.optional_packages = {}
self.default_packages = {}
self.conditional_packages = {}
self.langonly = None ## what the hell is this?
self.groupid = None
self.display_order = 1024
self.installed = False
self.toremove = False
if elem:
def _packageiter(self):
# Gah, FIXME: real iterator/class
lst = self.mandatory_packages.keys() + \
self.optional_packages.keys() + \
self.default_packages.keys() + \
return lst
packages = property(_packageiter)
def parse(self, elem):
for child in elem:
if child.tag == 'id':
myid = child.text
if self.groupid is not None:
raise CompsException
self.groupid = myid
elif child.tag == 'name':
text = child.text
if text:
text = text.encode('utf8')
lang = child.attrib.get(lang_attr)
if lang:
self.translated_name[lang] = text
self.name = text
elif child.tag == 'description':
text = child.text
if text:
text = text.encode('utf8')
lang = child.attrib.get(lang_attr)
if lang:
self.translated_description[lang] = text
if text:
self.description = text
elif child.tag == 'uservisible':
self.user_visible = parse_boolean(child.text)
elif child.tag == 'display_order':
self.display_order = parse_number(child.text)
elif child.tag == 'default':
self.default = parse_boolean(child.text)
elif child.tag in ['langonly', 'lang_only']:
text = child.text
if self.langonly is not None:
raise CompsException
self.langonly = text
elif child.tag == 'packagelist':
def parse_package_list(self, packagelist_elem):
for child in packagelist_elem:
if child.tag == 'packagereq':
genre = child.attrib.get('type')
if not genre:
genre = u'mandatory'
if genre not in ('mandatory', 'default', 'optional', 'conditional'):
# just ignore bad package lines
package = child.text
if genre == 'mandatory':
self.mandatory_packages[package] = 1
elif genre == 'default':
self.default_packages[package] = 1
elif genre == 'optional':
self.optional_packages[package] = 1
elif genre == 'conditional':
self.conditional_packages[package] = child.attrib.get('requires')
def add(self, obj):
"""Add another group object to this object"""
# we only need package lists and any translation that we don't already
# have
for pkg in obj.mandatory_packages:
self.mandatory_packages[pkg] = 1
for pkg in obj.default_packages:
self.default_packages[pkg] = 1
for pkg in obj.optional_packages:
self.optional_packages[pkg] = 1
for pkg in obj.conditional_packages:
self.conditional_packages[pkg] = obj.conditional_packages[pkg]
# Handle cases where a comps.xml without name & decription tags
# has been setup first, so the name & decription for this object is blank.
if self.name == '' and obj.name != '':
self.name = obj.name
if self.description == '' and obj.description != '':
self.description = obj.description
# name and description translations
for lang in obj.translated_name:
if lang not in self.translated_name:
self.translated_name[lang] = obj.translated_name[lang]
for lang in obj.translated_description:
if lang not in self.translated_description:
self.translated_description[lang] = obj.translated_description[lang]
def xml(self):
"""write out an xml stanza for the group object"""
msg ="""
<display_order>%s</display_order>\n""" % (self.groupid, str(self.default).lower(),
str(self.user_visible).lower(), self.display_order)
if self.langonly:
msg += """ <langonly>%s</langonly>""" % self.langonly
msg +=""" <name>%s</name>\n""" % self.name
for (lang, val) in sorted(self.translated_name.items()):
msg += """ <name xml:lang="%s">%s</name>\n""" % (lang, val)
msg += """ <description>%s</description>\n""" % self.description
for (lang, val) in sorted(self.translated_description.items()):
msg += """ <description xml:lang="%s">%s</description>\n""" % (lang, val)
msg += """ <packagelist>\n"""
for pkg in sorted(self.mandatory_packages):
msg += """ <packagereq type="mandatory">%s</packagereq>\n""" % pkg
for pkg in sorted(self.default_packages):
msg += """ <packagereq type="default">%s</packagereq>\n""" % pkg
for pkg in sorted(self.optional_packages):
msg += """ <packagereq type="optional">%s</packagereq>\n""" % pkg
for (pkg, req) in sorted(self.conditional_packages.items()):
msg += """ <packagereq type="conditional" requires="%s">%s</packagereq>\n""" % (req, pkg)
msg += """ </packagelist>\n"""
msg += """ </group>"""
return msg
class Category(CompsObj):
""" Category object parsed from group data in each repo. and merged. """
def __init__(self, elem=None):
self.name = ""
self.categoryid = None
self.description = ""
self.translated_name = {}
self.translated_description = {}
self.display_order = 1024
self._groups = {}
if elem:
def _groupiter(self):
return self._groups.keys()
groups = property(_groupiter)
def parse(self, elem):
for child in elem:
if child.tag == 'id':
myid = child.text
if self.categoryid is not None:
raise CompsException
self.categoryid = myid
elif child.tag == 'name':
text = child.text
if text:
text = text.encode('utf8')
lang = child.attrib.get(lang_attr)
if lang:
self.translated_name[lang] = text
self.name = text
elif child.tag == 'description':
text = child.text
if text:
text = text.encode('utf8')
lang = child.attrib.get(lang_attr)
if lang:
self.translated_description[lang] = text
self.description = text
elif child.tag == 'grouplist':
elif child.tag == 'display_order':
self.display_order = parse_number(child.text)
def parse_group_list(self, grouplist_elem):
for child in grouplist_elem:
if child.tag == 'groupid':
groupid = child.text
self._groups[groupid] = 1
def add(self, obj):
"""Add another category object to this object"""
for grp in obj.groups:
self._groups[grp] = 1
# name and description translations
for lang in obj.translated_name:
if lang not in self.translated_name:
self.translated_name[lang] = obj.translated_name[lang]
for lang in obj.translated_description:
if lang not in self.translated_description:
self.translated_description[lang] = obj.translated_description[lang]
def xml(self):
"""write out an xml stanza for the category object"""
msg ="""
<display_order>%s</display_order>\n""" % (self.categoryid, self.display_order)
msg +=""" <name>%s</name>\n""" % self.name
for (lang, val) in self.translated_name.items():
msg += """ <name xml:lang="%s">%s</name>\n""" % (lang, val)
msg += """ <description>%s</description>\n""" % self.description
for (lang, val) in self.translated_description.items():
msg += """ <description xml:lang="%s">%s</description>\n""" % (lang, val)
msg += """ <grouplist>\n"""
for grp in self.groups:
msg += """ <groupid>%s</groupid>\n""" % grp
msg += """ </grouplist>\n"""
msg += """ </category>\n"""
return msg
class Comps(object):
def __init__(self, overwrite_groups=False):
self._groups = {}
self._categories = {}
self.compscount = 0
self.overwrite_groups = overwrite_groups
self.compiled = False # have groups been compiled into avail/installed
# lists, yet.
def get_groups(self):
grps = self._groups.values()
grps.sort(key=lambda x: (x.display_order, x.name))
return grps
def get_categories(self):
cats = self._categories.values()
cats.sort(key=lambda x: (x.display_order, x.name))
return cats
groups = property(get_groups)
categories = property(get_categories)
def has_group(self, grpid):
exists = self.return_groups(grpid)
if exists:
return True
return False
def return_group(self, grpid):
"""Return the first group which matches"""
grps = self.return_groups(grpid)
if grps:
return grps[0]
return None
def return_groups(self, group_pattern, case_sensitive=False):
"""return all groups which match either by glob or exact match"""
returns = {}
for item in group_pattern.split(','):
item = item.strip()
if item in self._groups:
thisgroup = self._groups[item]
returns[thisgroup.groupid] = thisgroup
if case_sensitive:
match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item)).match
match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item), flags=re.I).match
done = False
for group in self.groups:
for name in group.name, group.groupid, group.ui_name:
if match(name):
done = True
returns[group.groupid] = group
if done:
# If we didn't match to anything in the current locale, try others
for group in self.groups:
for name in group.translated_name.values():
if match(name):
returns[group.groupid] = group
return returns.values()
# This is close to returnPackages() etc. API ... need to std. these names
# the above return_groups uses different, but equal, API.
def return_categories(self, pattern, ignore_case=True):
"""return all categories which match either by glob or exact match"""
returns = {}
for item in pattern.split(','):
item = item.strip()
if item in self._categories:
cat = self._categories[item]
returns[cat.categoryid] = cat
if not ignore_case:
match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item)).match
match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item), flags=re.I).match
done = False
for cat in self.categories:
for name in cat.name, cat.categoryid, cat.ui_name:
if match(name):
done = True
returns[cat.categoryid] = cat
if done:
for cat in self.categories:
for name in cat.translated_name.values():
if match(name):
returns[cat.categoryid] = cat
return returns.values()
def add_group(self, group):
if group.groupid in self._groups:
thatgroup = self._groups[group.groupid]
self._groups[group.groupid] = group
def add_category(self, category):
if category.categoryid in self._categories:
thatcat = self._categories[category.categoryid]
self._categories[category.categoryid] = category
def add(self, srcfile = None):
if not srcfile:
raise CompsException
if type(srcfile) in types.StringTypes:
# srcfile is a filename string
infile = open(srcfile, 'rt')
except IOError, e:
raise CompsException, 'open(%s): #%u %s' % (srcfile, e.errno, e.strerror)
# srcfile is a file object
infile = srcfile
self.compscount += 1
self.compiled = False
parser = iterparse(infile)
for event, elem in parser:
if elem.tag == "group":
group = Group(elem)
if elem.tag == "category":
category = Category(elem)
except SyntaxError, e:
raise CompsException, "comps file is empty/damaged"
del parser
def compile(self, pkgtuplist):
""" compile the groups into installed/available groups """
# convert the tuple list to a simple dict of pkgnames
inst_pkg_names = {}
for (n,a,e,v,r) in pkgtuplist:
inst_pkg_names[n] = 1
for group in self.groups:
# if there are mandatory packages in the group, then make sure
# they're all installed. if any are missing, then the group
# isn't installed.
if len(group.mandatory_packages) > 0:
group.installed = True
for pkgname in group.mandatory_packages:
if pkgname not in inst_pkg_names:
group.installed = False
# if it doesn't have any of those then see if it has ANY of the
# optional/default packages installed.
# If so - then the group is installed
check_pkgs = group.optional_packages.keys() + group.default_packages.keys() + group.conditional_packages.keys()
group.installed = False
for pkgname in check_pkgs:
if pkgname in inst_pkg_names:
group.installed = True
self.compiled = True
def xml(self):
"""returns the xml of the comps files in this class, merged"""
if not self._groups and not self._categories:
return ""
msg = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE comps PUBLIC "-//Red Hat, Inc.//DTD Comps info//EN" "comps.dtd">
for g in self.get_groups():
msg += g.xml()
for c in self.get_categories():
msg += c.xml()
msg += """\n</comps>\n"""
return msg
def main():
print sys.argv[1]
p = Comps()
for srcfile in sys.argv[1:]:
for group in p.groups:
print group
for pkg in group.packages:
print ' ' + pkg
for category in p.categories:
print category.name
for group in category.groups:
print ' ' + group
except IOError:
print >> sys.stderr, "newcomps.py: No such file:\'%s\'" % sys.argv[1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez