$DATABASE_FORMAT = "mysql"; //"mysqli", "mysql","sqlite3",
//database user
$DBUSER= "[[softdbuser]]";
//database password
$DBPASSWORD = "[[softdbpass]]";
//database name
$DATABASE = "[[softdb]]";
//database host
$HOST = "[[softdbhost]]";
//absolute path
$SQLITE = "../sql/intranet.sqlite3";
//ldap server
$LDAPHOST = "lpadserver";
//ldap domain
$LDAPDOMAIN = "dc=foo,dc=org";
//allow updates to passwords on windows (ldap) server
$LDAPUPDATE = "yes";
//ldap administrative account user name - only needed if wanting to change active directory password
$LDAPADMINDN = "cn=Administrator,CN=Users,dc=foo,dc=org";
//ldap administrative account password - only needed if wanting to change active directory password
$LDAPADMINPASS = "password";
//Mailbox authentication - (only relevant if authenticating users via email accounts)
//requires imap to compiled/enabled in php
//imap example $MAILSERVER = "{hostname:143/imap}";
//pop3 example $MAILSERVER = "{hostname:110/pop3}";
$MAILSERVER = "{mailserver:143/imap}";
$CHARSET = "UTF-8"; //alternative is "UTF-8"
$CAPTCHA = "off"; // all,internal,web,off
$SPAMTOOLS = "web"; // all,internal,web,off
//Public event bookings
//values: disabled/local/web/ldap/email/registration/soap/sip
// How may days ahead the upcoming events list will display
//Upcoming events page only shows events with images (does not apply when searching)
$TAG_SEARCH = "on";
//allows searching events calendar by tags
$WEB_CALENDAR_DIRECTORY_URL = "http://www.foolibrary.org/brushtail_5/web/";
$WEB_CALENDAR_POPUP = "on"; //on or off
//email registration confirmation url
For more events visit www.foolibrary.org/webcal.php
or Telephone XXXXXXXXXXXX.
$TICKETBANNER = "City Libraries";
$TICKETFOOTER = "Library opening hours, phone etc.";
//footer attached to emails sent by event booking sysytem
$HOME_LINK = "http://librarywebsite";
$HOME_LABEL = "Library homepage";
$EVENTBOOKINGS_FROM = "bookings@library.org";
$EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_URL = "http://yourdomain/intranet/web/";
//public room bookings
//values: disabled/autoaccept/local/web/ldap/email/registration/soap/sip
$ROOMBOOKINGS_FROM = "roombookings@foolibrary.org";
To view room availability visit www.foolibrary.org/rooms.php
or Telephone XXXXXXXXXXXX.
$MAX_ROOM_BOOKINGS = 1; //maximum advance room bookings
//sip authentication parameters
$SIP = array();
$SIP['port'] = "????";
$SIP['address'] = "??????";
$SIP['institutionId'] = ""; //optional ???
$SIP['terminalPassword'] = "";//optional ???
$SIP['loginUser'] = ""; // if no SIP login required then $SIP['loginUser'] = "";
$SIP['loginPass'] = "";
$SIP['block'] = array("User blocked","user delinquent"); //patron status to block
//Authenticating patron bookings via web catalogue
$WEBHOST = 'server';
$WEBPATH = '/webcat_path';
$STRINGACTION = "accept"; //value: accept deny
$STRING = "Account Overview";
$USERFIELD = "username";
$PASSWORDFIELD = "password";
$OTHERFIELDS["formurl"] = "http://foo.org/webcatt";
$PROXY_IP = "";
//Intranet PC pookings -
$REFRESH = 5; // In minutes, staff booking screen automatic refresh. 0 means no automatic refesh.
Book a pc online at
www.foo.org/web/pcbookings.php"; //Intranet PC bookings - booking slip footer text
//Online pc bookings
$PCAUTHENTICATION = "disabled";//values: disabled/web/ldap/email/soap/sip
$DAYSAHEAD = 7; // this is how may days ahead you can book
$DISPLAYPCNAME = 1; //set to 0 to hide the pc in the booking confirmation
$CURRENTWEEKONLY = 0; //bookings can only be made for current week
$DELAY = 1; // delay in hours before next web booking can commence from end of any existing bookings
$BOOKBY = "PC"; //PC or TYPE
$PCIMAGE = "1";
//PHP to gzip compress page html output for faster page loading
//Not necessary if the web server is already performing compression
//values on or off
//encryption key - used to encrypt user session information
$KEY = "29b40asdfasdf334434243";
//Format for datepicker widget
//values %d-%m-%Y or %m-%d-%Y
$DATEFORMAT = "%d-%m-%Y";
//Calendar week starts on "SUN or ""MON"
//Display day names in each calendar cell
//WYSIWYG editor Values:openWYSIWYG , CKEditor, NicEdit
$WYSIWYG = "NicEdit";
## Below you can select your location by uncommenting the setlocale line. This will affect date formatting.
$locale = setlocale(LC_TIME, 'uk_UK', 'uk','en_GB'); //AUSTRALIA LINUX
$locale = setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'us_US', 'us','en_US'); //AUSTRALIA LINUX
//setlocale(LC_ALL, 'ENA'); //Australia WINDOWS
//setlocale(LC_ALL, 'FRA'); // FRANCE WINDOWS
//$locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR@euro', 'fr_FR', 'fr'); //FRANCE LINUX
//setlocale(LC_ALL, 'DEU'); // GERMANY WINDOWS
//$locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'de', 'ge'); //GERMANY LINUX
//Email message parameters
//This value can be set on windows servers to specify the SMTP mail server to send email messages to
//By default this is set for the entire server in the php.ini
//By setting the value here the server can have multiple brushtail installations sending email to different servers
//$SMTP = "mailserverip";
// You can specify the email from address, that overides PHP default
$EMAIL_FROM = "intranet@library";
$PRINTPASS = "xyz";
$PRINTCOST["A4MonoChrome"] = ".20";
$PRINTCOST["A4Color"] = ".60";
$PRINTCOST["A3MonoChrome"] = ".40";
$PRINTCOST["A3Color"] = "1.20";
$PRINTEXPIRY = 60 ; //minutes before deletion
$PCDEBUG = "off";
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