# This is the project-specific configuration file for setting up
# fast_gettext for your project.
# This is used for the name of the .pot and .po files; they will be
# called <project_name>.pot?
project_name: puppetlabs-zone_core
# This is used in comments in the .pot and .po files to indicate what
# project the files belong to and should bea little more desctiptive than
# <project_name>
package_name: puppetlabs-zone_core
# The locale that the default messages in the .pot file are in
default_locale: en
# The email used for sending bug reports.
bugs_address: docs@puppet.com
# The holder of the copyright.
copyright_holder: Puppet, Inc.
# This determines which comments in code should be eligible for translation.
# Any comments that start with this string will be externalized. (Leave
# empty to include all.)
comments_tag: TRANSLATOR
# Patterns for +Dir.glob+ used to find all files that might contain
# translatable content, relative to the project root directory
- './lib/**/*.rb'
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez