(* Interfaces module for Augeas
Author: Free Ekanayaka <free@64studio.com>
Reference: man interfaces
module Interfaces =
autoload xfm
let eol = Util.eol
(* Define separators *)
(* a line can be extended across multiple lines by making the last *)
(* character a backslash *)
let sep_spc = del /([ \t]+|[ \t]*\\\\\n[ \t]*)/ " "
(* Define fields *)
let sto_to_eol = store /([^\\ \t\n].*[^\\ \t\n]|[^\\ \t\n])/ . eol
let sto_to_spc = store /[^\\ \t\n]+/
(* Define comments and empty lines *)
(* note that the comment definition from Util does not support *)
(* splitting lines with a backlash *)
let comment = Util.comment
let empty = Util.empty
(* Define tree stanza_ids *)
let stanza_id (t:string) = key t . sep_spc . sto_to_spc
let stanza_param (l:string) = [ sep_spc . label l . sto_to_spc ]
(* Define reserved words and multi-value options *)
let stanza_word =
(* Define stanza option indentation *)
let stanza_indent = del /[ \t]*/ " "
(* Define additional lines for multi-line stanzas *)
let stanza_option = [ stanza_indent
. key ( /[a-z0-9_-]+/ - stanza_word )
. sep_spc
. sto_to_eol ]
(* Define space-separated array *)
let array (r:regexp) (t:string) = del r t . label t . counter t
. [ sep_spc . seq t . sto_to_spc ]+
let auto = [ array /(allow-)?auto/ "auto" . eol ]
let allow = [ key ( /allow-[a-z-]+/ - "allow-auto" )
. counter "allow_seq"
. [ sep_spc . seq "allow_seq" . sto_to_spc ]+
. eol ]
let mapping = [ stanza_id "mapping"
. eol
. (stanza_option|comment|empty)+ ]
let multi_option (t:string) = [ stanza_indent . array t t . eol ]
let iface = [ Util.indent
. stanza_id "iface"
. stanza_param "family"
. stanza_param "method"
. eol
. ( stanza_option
| multi_option "bond-slaves"
| multi_option "bridge-ports"
| comment
| empty )* ]
let source = [ key "source" . sep_spc . sto_to_eol ]
let source_directory = [ key "source-directory" . sep_spc . sto_to_eol ]
(* The auto and hotplug stanzas always consist of one line only, while
iface and mapping can spand along more lines. Comment nodes are
inserted in the tree as direct children of the root node only when they
come after an auto or hotplug stanza, otherwise they are considered part
of an iface or mapping block *)
let stanza_single = (auto|allow|source|source_directory) . (comment|empty)*
let stanza_multi = iface|mapping
let lns = (comment|empty)* . (stanza_multi | stanza_single)*
let filter = (incl "/etc/network/interfaces")
. (incl "/etc/network/interfaces.d/*")
. Util.stdexcl
let xfm = transform lns filter
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