Module: PamConf
Parses /etc/pam.conf files
Author: Dominic Cleal <dcleal@redhat.com>
About: Reference
This lens tries to keep as close as possible to `man pam.conf` where
About: Licence
This file is licensed under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas.
About: Lens Usage
About: Configuration files
This lens applies to /etc/pam.conf. See <filter>.
module PamConf =
autoload xfm
let indent = Util.indent
let comment = Util.comment
let empty = Util.empty
let include = Pam.include
let service = Rx.word
* Group: LENSES
let record = [ seq "record" . indent .
[ label "service" . store service ] .
Sep.space .
Pam.record ]
let lns = ( empty | comment | include | record ) *
let filter = incl "/etc/pam.conf"
let xfm = transform lns filter
(* Local Variables: *)
(* mode: caml *)
(* End: *)
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez