package RVL::System;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Class::Std::Utils;
sub cp {
my $source = (defined($_[0]) && $_[0] ne "") ? $_[0] : undef;
my $dest = (defined($_[1]) && $_[1] ne "") ? $_[1] : undef;
my $res = 1;
if (defined($source) && defined($dest) && -e $source && $source ne $dest) {
$res = (copy($source, $dest)) ? 1 : "The existing directory dose not permit to copy file";
return $res;
sub mkdirp {
my ($dirname) = $_[0];
my ($mode) = (defined($_[1]) && RVL::String::is_string($_[1]) && $_[1] ne "") ? $_[1] : 0755;
my ($owner) = (defined($_[2]) && RVL::String::is_string($_[2]) && $_[2] ne "") ? $_[2] : undef;
my ($group) = (defined($_[3]) && RVL::String::is_string($_[3]) && $_[3] ne "") ? $_[3] : undef;
my $res = 1;
if (!-d $dirname) {
if (defined($owner) && defined($group)) {
eval { make_path $dirname, {mode => $mode, owner=> $owner, group=> $group} };
} elsif (defined($owner)) {
eval { make_path $dirname, {mode => $mode, owner=> $owner} };
} elsif (defined($group)) {
eval { make_path $dirname, {mode => $mode, group=> $group} };
} else {
eval { make_path $dirname, {mode => $mode} };
if ($@) {
$res = "The existing directory dose not permit to create new directory: $dirname";
return $res;
sub md5 {
my ($data) = $_[0];
return md5_hex($data);
sub getUserOwer {
my $source = shift;
my $owner = "";
if (-e $source) {
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($source);
$owner = getpwuid($uid);
return $owner;
sub getUserGroup {
my $source = shift;
my $group = "";
if (-e $source) {
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($source);
$group = getgrgid($gid);
return $group;
sub getMode {
my $source = shift;
my $smode = "";
if (-e $source) {
use Fcntl ':mode';
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($source);
$smode = sprintf "%04o", S_IMODE($mode);
return $smode;
sub getDiskQuotaPartition {
my $partiition = (defined($_[0]) && $_[0] ne "") ? $_[0] : undef;
my $quota = { block => undef, used => undef, available => undef };
if (defined($partiition) && -d $partiition) {
my $cmd = `df $partiition`;
my @data = split(" ", $cmd);
if (scalar(@data) > 0) {
if (defined($data[8]) && $data[8] ne "") {
$quota->{'block'} = $data[8];
if (defined($data[9]) && $data[9] ne "") {
$quota->{'used'} = $data[9];
if (defined($data[10]) && $data[10] ne "") {
$quota->{'available'} = $data[10];
return $quota;
sub isAlertQuotaPartition {
my $partiition = (defined($_[0]) && $_[0] ne "") ? $_[0] : undef;
my $source = (defined($_[1])) ? $_[1] : "";
my $res = 0;
if (-f $source) {
my $quota = RVL::System::getDiskQuotaPartition($partiition);
if (defined($quota->{'available'})) {
if (RVL::File::filesize($source) > $quota->{'available'}) {
$res = 1;
return $res;
sub touch {
my ($fullFile) = @_;
my $path = dirname($fullFile);
my $res = 1;
if (!-d $path) {
$res = RVL::System::mkdirp($path);
if ($res == 1) {
if(!-f $fullFile){
if (open(my $FILE, '>', $fullFile)) {
} else {
$res = $!." on $fullFile";
return $res;
sub getIPList{
my ($opt) = $_[0];
#TODO หา ip list
if (!defined $opt) {
return RVL::System::_getMainIPList();
} elsif ($opt eq 1) {
#TODO หา all list
return RVL::System::_getAllIPList();;
sub _getMainIPList{
my($system, $ethdev,$ips, @IPS);
$ethdev = '';
chomp($system = RVL::System::callBackticks("uname -s"));
if ( -f "/etc/wwwacct.conf") {
if (open(CONF,"/etc/wwwacct.conf")) {
while(<CONF>) {
if ($_ !~ /^;/) {
if ($_ =~ /ETHDEV/) {
(undef,$ethdev) = split(/ /, $_);
if ($system =~ /freebsd/i || $ethdev eq "") {
$ips = RVL::System::callBackticks("/sbin/ifconfig -a");
} else {
$ips = RVL::System::callBackticks("/sbin/ifconfig $ethdev");
@IPS = split(/\n/, $ips);
foreach my $ip (@IPS) {
if ($ip =~ /(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*).(\d*)/) {
if ($1 ne "127") {
return "$1.$2.$3.$4";
return "";
sub _getAllIPList {
my $ifconfigs = RVL::System::callBackticks("/sbin/ifconfig -a");
my @IPS = split(/\n/, $ifconfigs);
my @allIP = ();
foreach my $ip (@IPS) {
if ($ip =~ /(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*).(\d*)/) {
if ($1 ne "127") {
push(@allIP, "$1.$2.$3.$4");
return @allIP;
sub callBackticks{
my $cmd = join(' ', @_);
if (-f '.rvsBackticks') {
system('rm -f .rvsBackticks');
my ($TestBackticks) = `echo 'RV Test Backticks'`;
my ($skipBackticks) = 0;
if ($TestBackticks !~/RV Test Backticks/) {
$skipBackticks = 1;
if (-f '.skipBackticks' || $skipBackticks eq 1) {
system("$cmd > .rvsBackticks 2>&1");
my ($resuft);
if (-f '.rvsBackticks') {
my ($fd);
open($fd, '<', '.rvsBackticks');
$resuft = join('',<$fd>);
system('rm -f .rvsBackticks');
} else {
$resuft = `$cmd`;
return $resuft;
=head1 System
Lib System.
=head2 cp()
@param String $source - File name source
@param String $dest - File name destination
@return Boolean
my $res = RVL::System::cp("/home/puttipong/public_html/test.html", "/home/puttipong/public_html/test-5.html");
=head2 mkdirp()
@param String $dirname - Directory name source
@param Integer $mode - Mode
@param String $owner - Owner
@param String $group - Group
@return mix TRUE on success or STRING on error
simple: my $res = RVL::System::mkdirp("/var/rvexploitescanner/conf2/test/", 0644, "puttipong", "puttipong");
reference: http://search.cpan.org/~dland/File-Path-2.08/Path.pm
=head2 md5()
@param String $data - Data
@return String
simple: my $filename = "/home/puttipong/public_html/test.php";
my $md5 = RVL::System::md5(RVL::File::file_get_contents($filename));
=head2 getUserOwer()
@param String $source - File name source
@return String $owner
simple: my $owner = RVL::System::getUserOwer("/home/puttipong/public_html/test.php");
=head2 getUserGroup
@param String $source - File name source
@return String $group
simple: my $group = RVL::System::getUserGroup("/home/puttipong/public_html/test.php");
=head2 getMode
@param String $source - File name source
@return String $smode
simple: my $smode = RVL::System::getMode("/home/puttipong/public_html/test.php");
=head2 getDiskQuotaPartition
@param String $partiition - Patition
@return HASH $quota
simple: my $quota = RVL::System::getDiskQuotaPartition(__CONSTANT__::EXS_PATH);
$VAR1 = {
'used' => '67581988',
'block' => '234443632',
'available' => '154952524'
=head2 isAlertQuotaPartition
@param String $partiition - Patition
@param String $source - Source file name
@return Boolean
simple: my $res = RVL::System::isAlertQuotaPartition(__CONSTANT__::EXS_PATH, "/home/puttipong/public_html/test.html");
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