# cpanel - checkup2date Copyright 2018 cPanel, Inc.
# All rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use Cpanel::SafeFile;
use Cpanel::Logger ();
exit if ( !-e '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date' );
my $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new();
my $goodfile = 0;
my $pkgskiplist_seen = 0;
my $filelock = Cpanel::SafeFile::safeopen( \*UPDATE, '<', '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date' );
if ( !$filelock ) {
$logger->die("Could not read from /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date");
open( UPDATEW, '>', '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date.merged' ) or die;
while (<UPDATE>) {
if (/^pkgSkipList=(\S+)/) {
$pkgskiplist_seen = 1;
my $pkgs = $1;
chomp $pkgs;
if ( $pkgs =~ /mysql/
&& $pkgs =~ /courier/
&& $pkgs =~ /ruby/
&& $pkgs =~ /dovecot/
&& $pkgs =~ /nsd/
&& $pkgs =~ /mydns/
&& $pkgs =~ /httpd/
&& $pkgs =~ /perl/
&& $pkgs =~ /php/
&& $pkgs =~ /mod_ssl/
&& $pkgs =~ /spamassassin/
&& $pkgs =~ /exim/
&& $pkgs =~ /proftpd/
&& $pkgs =~ /pure-ftpd/
&& $pkgs =~ /kernel/ ) {
$goodfile = 1;
$pkgs = update_pkgskiplist($pkgs);
print UPDATEW 'pkgSkipList=' . $pkgs . ";\n";
else {
print UPDATEW;
if ( !$pkgskiplist_seen ) {
my $pkgs = update_pkgskiplist();
print UPDATEW 'pkgSkipList=' . $pkgs . ";\n";
Cpanel::SafeFile::safeclose( \*UPDATE, $filelock );
exit if $goodfile;
rename '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date', '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date.backup';
if ( !rename '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date.merged', '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date' ) {
rename '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date.backup', '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date';
sub update_pkgskiplist {
my $pkgs = shift || '';
my @PKGS = split( /;/, $pkgs );
if ( $pkgs !~ /courier/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'courier*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /ruby/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'ruby*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /dovecot/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'dovecot*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /nsd/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'nsd*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /mydns/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'mydns*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /spamassassin/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'spamassassin*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /httpd/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'httpd*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /perl/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'perl' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /mysql/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'mysql*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /php/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'php*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /mod_ssl/ ) { push( @PKGS, 'mod_ssl*' ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /kernel/ ) { push( @PKGS, "kernel*" ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /exim/ ) { push( @PKGS, "exim*" ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /proftpd/ ) { push( @PKGS, "proftpd*" ); }
if ( $pkgs !~ /pure-ftpd/ ) { push( @PKGS, "pure-ftpd*" ); }
@PKGS = grep( !m/^\s*$/, @PKGS );
$pkgs = join( ';', @PKGS );
return $pkgs;
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez