# cpanel - scripts/migrate-api-tokens-for-service Copyright 2019 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::migrate_api_tokens_for_service;
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 USAGE
migrate-api-tokens-for-service [ --help ]
This script migrates the API token datastore schema for v80.
It runs automatically on update to v80; there should be no need
to run it manually.
use parent qw( Cpanel::HelpfulScript );
use Cpanel::CommandQueue ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Dir ();
use Cpanel::Security::Authn::APITokens::Write::whostmgr ();
use constant _OPTIONS => ();
our $_OLD_DIR = '/var/cpanel/authn/api_tokens';
__PACKAGE__->new(@ARGV)->run() if !caller;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
# This is a one-time migration needed for the v78 -> v80 upgrade.
my $whm_dir = Cpanel::Security::Authn::APITokens::Write::whostmgr->_base_dir();
my $has_old_data = Cpanel::FileUtils::Dir::directory_has_nodes_if_exists($_OLD_DIR);
my $has_new_data = Cpanel::FileUtils::Dir::directory_has_nodes_if_exists($whm_dir);
# The following isn’t fully race-safe but has the advantage that
# it leaves the existing “api_tokens” directory in place, which
# avoids breakage in currently-running daemons that use API tokens.
if ( $has_old_data && !$has_new_data ) {
# This will create the new directory structure if needed.
my $cq = Cpanel::CommandQueue->new();
my $tmp_dirpath;
sub {
$tmp_dirpath = "$whm_dir.tmp2." . time;
rename $whm_dir => $tmp_dirpath;
sub {
rename $tmp_dirpath => $whm_dir;
sub {
symlink $_OLD_DIR, $whm_dir;
$self->say('API Tokens datastore migration is complete.');
CORE::rmdir($tmp_dirpath) or warn "rmdir($tmp_dirpath): $!";
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