# cpanel - rdate Copyright 2017 cPanel, Inc.
# All rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny ();
use Cpanel::GenSysInfo ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple ();
use Getopt::Long ();
use Cpanel::OSSys::Env ();
my $print_time = 0; # used to map usage to rdate's -p option
'-p|print' => \$print_time,
my $envtype = Cpanel::OSSys::Env::get_envtype();
# Case 48348 -- Virtual environments cannot set the system time so do nothing.
if ( $envtype eq 'virtuozzo' || $envtype eq 'cpanel-vserver' || $envtype eq 'vzcontainer' ) {
print "Container environment detected - rdate skipped\n";
exit 0;
else {
my $pid = 0;
my $sysinfo = Cpanel::GenSysInfo::run();
if ( ( $sysinfo->{'rpm_dist'} eq 'centos' || $sysinfo->{'rpm_dist'} eq 'rhel' || $sysinfo->{'rpm_dist'} eq 'cloudlinux' ) && $sysinfo->{'rpm_dist_ver'} == 7 ) {
$pid = _detect_systemd_managed_ntpd();
else {
my $upid = Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny->new();
$pid = $upid->is_pidfile_running('/var/run/ntpd.pid');
if ($pid) {
print "The 'ntpd' daemon is running on PID '$pid'. Exiting.\n";
else {
my @args = ( '/usr/bin/rdate', '-s' );
push( @args, '-p' ) if $print_time;
push( @args, 'rdate.cpanel.net' );
exit 0;
sub _detect_systemd_managed_ntpd {
my $output = Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferunallerrors( '/usr/bin/systemctl', 'status', 'ntpd' );
if ( $output =~ m/Main\s+PID:\s+(\d+)\s+\(/ ) {
return $1;
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