package scripts::swapip;
# cpanel - scripts/swapip Copyright 2017 cPanel, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::BinCheck::Lite ();
use Cpanel::LoadModule ();
use Cpanel::JSON ();
use Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin ();
use Cpanel::ZoneFile ();
use Cpanel::Encoder::URI ();
use Cpanel::DnsUtils::Fetch ();
use Cpanel::NAT ();
use Whostmgr::Transfers::State ();
use Whostmgr::DNS::SwapIP ();
## if invoked as a script, there is nothing in the call stack
my $invoked_as_script = !caller();
__PACKAGE__->script(@ARGV) if ($invoked_as_script);
sub script {
my ( $package, @args ) = @_;
my ( $sourceip, $targetip, @DOMAINS, $zoneref, $showmsgs, $skipsync, $skipreload, $ftpip, $replaceip );
my $input_ref;
if ( @args && $args[0] eq '--json' ) {
$input_ref = Cpanel::JSON::LoadFileNoSetUTF8( \*STDIN );
elsif ( @args && $args[0] eq '--storable' ) {
$input_ref = Cpanel::SafeStorable::fd_retrieve( \*STDIN );
elsif ( ref $args[0] ) {
$input_ref = $args[0];
else {
$sourceip = shift(@args);
$targetip = shift(@args);
$ftpip = shift(@args);
@DOMAINS = @args;
if ($input_ref) {
$sourceip = $input_ref->{'sourceip'};
$targetip = ( $input_ref->{'destip'} || $input_ref->{'targetip'} );
@DOMAINS = @{ $input_ref->{'domainref'} };
$zoneref = $input_ref->{'zoneref'};
$showmsgs = $input_ref->{'showmsgs'};
$skipreload = $input_ref->{'skipreload'};
$skipsync = $input_ref->{'skipsync'};
$replaceip = $input_ref->{'replaceip'};
if ( ref $sourceip eq 'ARRAY' ) {
foreach my $ip (@$sourceip) {
$ip = Cpanel::NAT::get_public_ip($ip);
else {
$sourceip = Cpanel::NAT::get_public_ip($sourceip);
$targetip = Cpanel::NAT::get_public_ip($targetip);
$ftpip = Cpanel::NAT::get_public_ip($ftpip);
if ( !$zoneref || !ref $zoneref ) {
$zoneref = {};
if ( !@DOMAINS ) {
print "At least one domain is required.\n";
if ( !$sourceip ) {
print "Error: sourceip missing\n";
if ( !$targetip ) {
print "Error: targetip missing\n";
my $changes = _changezones( \@DOMAINS, $sourceip, $targetip, $ftpip, $zoneref, $showmsgs, $skipreload, $skipsync, $replaceip );
print "The system updated “$changes” " . ( $changes == 1 ? 'entry' : 'entries' ) . ".\n";
return 0;
sub _changezones {
my $domainref = shift;
my $sourceip = shift;
## TODO: rename? why is this called $destip here but $targetip above?
my $destip = shift;
my $ftpip = shift;
my $zoneref = shift;
my $showmsgs = shift || 0;
my $skipreload = shift || 0;
my $skipsync = shift || 0;
my $replaceip = shift || 'all';
my %sourceips;
if ($sourceip) {
if ( ref $sourceip ) {
%sourceips = map { $_ => 1 } @{$sourceip};
elsif ( $sourceip ne -1 ) {
$sourceips{$sourceip} = 1;
delete $sourceips{''}; #safety
my @fetchlist;
foreach my $domain (@$domainref) {
if ( !$zoneref->{$domain} ) {
push @fetchlist, $domain;
my $_dns_local = Whostmgr::Transfers::State::is_transfer() ? $Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin::LOCAL_ONLY : $Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin::REMOTE_AND_LOCAL;
my $replaced = 0;
if (@fetchlist) {
my $added_zoneref = Cpanel::DnsUtils::Fetch::fetch_zones( 'zones' => \@fetchlist, 'flags' => $_dns_local );
@{$zoneref}{ keys %$added_zoneref } = values %$added_zoneref;
foreach my $zone ( keys %$zoneref ) {
my $zf = Cpanel::ZoneFile->new( 'text' => $zoneref->{$zone}, 'domain' => $zone );
if ( !scalar keys %sourceips ) {
my $previous_ip = Whostmgr::DNS::SwapIP::get_sourceip_from_zonefile_obj($zf) or next;
$sourceips{$previous_ip} = 1;
$replaced += Whostmgr::DNS::SwapIP::swap_zonefile_obj_ips(
'sourceips_hr' => \%sourceips,
'domain' => $zone,
'zone_file_obj' => $zf,
'destip' => $destip,
'replaceip' => $replaceip
$replaced += Whostmgr::DNS::SwapIP::swap_zonefile_spf_ips(
'sourceips_hr' => \%sourceips,
'domain' => $zone,
'zone_file_obj' => $zf,
'destip' => $destip,
# it is critical that that hashref of zones is updated so multiple ip changes operate on the new zone
$zoneref->{$zone} = $zf->to_zone_string();
my $zdata;
foreach my $zone ( keys %$zoneref ) {
if ( !$zoneref->{$zone} ) {
if ($showmsgs) { print "Changed $replaceip instances of [" . join( ',', keys %sourceips ) . "] -> [$destip] in $zone\n"; }
push @RELOADLIST, $zone;
$zdata .= 'cpdnszone-' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($zone) . '=' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str( $zoneref->{$zone} ) . '&';
if ( !$skipsync ) {
Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin::askdnsadmin( 'SYNCZONES', $_dns_local, '', '', '', $zdata );
if ( !$skipreload ) { Cpanel::DnsUtils::AskDnsAdmin::askdnsadmin( 'RELOADZONES', $_dns_local, join( ',', @RELOADLIST ) ); }
return $replaced;
sub die_usage {
die "Usage: $0 sourceip destip ftpip domains...\n";
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