CHips L pro

Current Path : /home/thomas/public_html/Fox-C404/root/usr/local/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder7/lib/RVL/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/thomas/public_html/Fox-C404/root/usr/local/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder7/lib/RVL/


package RVL::Rvanalytics;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp ();
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION @lve @def);
our $VERSION = '1.0.1';

=head1 NAME
    RVSInstaller::Analytics send Google Analytics user interaction data from Perl

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %args = (@_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_ );

    Carp::croak 'tracking_id (tid) missing or invalid'
        unless $args{tid} && $args{tid} =~ /^(?:UA|MO|YT)-\d+-\d+$/;

    # If the 'aip' key exists, even if set to 0, the ip will be anonymized.
    # So we only push it to our args if user set it to 1.
    delete $args{aip} if exists $args{aip} && !$args{aip};

    # default settings:
    $args{ua}  ||= _get_user_agent();
    $args{cid} ||= _gen_uuid_v4();
    $args{v}   ||= 1;
    $args{cd}  ||= '/';
    $args{an}  ||= 'My App';
    $args{ds}  ||= 'app';

    my $debug = delete $args{debug};
    return bless {
        args  => \%args,
        debug => $debug,
        ua    => _build_user_agent( $args{ua} ),
    }, $class;

sub _get_user_agent{

sub _request {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    my $ua = $self->{ua};
    my $target = $self->{debug}
        ? ''
        : ''

    my $res = $ua->post( $target, $args );
    if ($self->{debug}) {
        return $res;
    else {
        return ($res->is_success) ? 1 : 0;

sub _build_user_agent {
    my ($ua) = @_;
    #require Furl;
    #return Furl->new( agent => $ua, timeout => 5 );
    require LWP::UserAgent;
    my $oUA = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    return $oUA;

# UUID v4 (pseudo-random) generator based on UUID::Tiny
sub _gen_uuid_v4 {
    my $uuid = '';
    for ( 1 .. 4 ) {
        my $v1 = int(rand(65536)) % 65536;
        my $v2 = int(rand(65536)) % 65536;
        my $rand_32bit = ($v1 << 16) | $v2;
        $uuid .= pack 'I', $rand_32bit;
    substr $uuid, 6, 1, chr( ord( substr( $uuid, 6, 1 ) ) & 0x0f | 0x40 );
    substr $uuid, 8, 1, chr( ord( substr( $uuid, 8, 1 ) ) & 0x3f | 0x80 );

    # uuid is created. Convert to string:
    return join '-',
           map { unpack 'H*', $_ }
           map { substr $uuid, 0, $_, '' }
           ( 4, 2, 2, 2, 6 );

sub send {
    my ($self, $hit_type, $args) = @_;

    my %args = (%{$self->{args}}, %$args, t => $hit_type);

    my %required = $self->_parameters();
    Carp::croak("invalid hit type $hit_type") unless $required{$hit_type};

    foreach my $required ( @{$required{$hit_type}} ) {
        Carp::croak("argument '$required' is required for '$hit_type' hit type. See$required for more information")
            unless $args{$required};
    Carp::croak('for "pageview" hit types you must set either "dl" or both "dh" and "dp"')
        if $hit_type eq 'pageview' && !($args{dl} || ($args{dh} && $args{dp}));

    return $self->_request(\%args);

=head3 Measurement Protocol Parameter Reference
=over 4
=item v  (for Protocol Version)
=item tid (for Tracking ID / Web Property ID)
=item cid (for Client ID)
=item uid (for User ID)
=item uip (for IP Override)
=item cd (for Screen Name)
=item an (for Application Name)
=item sr (for Screen Resolution)
=item ul (for User Language)
=item av (for Application Version)
=item ec (for Event Category)
=item ea (for Event Action)
=item el (for Event Label)
=item ev (for Event Value)
=item ti (for Transaction ID)
=item in (for Item Name)
=item sn (for Social Network)
=item sa (for Social Action)
=item st (for Social Action Target)
=item utc (for User timing category)
=item utv (for User timing variable name)
=item utl (for User timing label)
=item utt (for User timing time)
sub _parameters {
    return (
        pageview    => [qw(v tid cid cd an)],
        screenview  => [qw(v tid cid cd an)],
        event       => [qw(v tid cid cd an ec ea)],
        transaction => [qw(v tid cid cd an ti)],
        item        => [qw(v tid cid cd an ti in)],
        social      => [qw(v tid cid cd an sn sa st)],
        exception   => [qw(v tid cid cd an)],
        timing      => [qw(v tid cid cd an utc utv utt)],



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